Chapter 31

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I am waiting for him to say some snarky comment, but instead he goes in for a hug. At this point I'm done crying and a little smile is put on my face by him.

During the hug my foot I guess is too much towards the edge of the bucket I'm standing on. I start to fall and he quickly pulls me and brings me down off of it.

I look up at him and say "You're always saving me."

He looks down at me and says "I'll always be here."

The bucket falls over and makes a really loud noise, but hopefully everyone is in class. I can already think of all the rumors that are going to be about us doing it in the janitor's closet.

Now we just stay in here to wait for next period because we don't want to be caught in the hallway.


So he says "Okay let's go."

He opens the door and we walk out. We start to walk back to where my locker is. As we are walking I feel his soft hand collide into mine. We are walking close.

We hear the bell ring and I look at him a little overwhelmed. I know that all of my classmates are going to start piling out of the doors.

He looks back at me and quickly slides his warm hand into mine. I hide a little grin that I have on my face by turning my head. I am sort of blushing. He's always taking care of me. He is amazing.

Everyone's eyes are sticking to us, but I couldn't care less. I see girls whispering and giving me dirty looks. When we reach my locker he still hasn't let go of my hand.

I remember my locker combination luckily and open my locker. I grab my binder and regrip his hand. He grabs my binder from me.

"I can hold my binder. It's okay." I say looking up at him.

"It's no problem. Let's give the school something to talk about." He turns to me and smirks.

He walks me to my next class and I realize something.

"Cam we forgot to get your books. The bell is about to ring." I say as he hands me mine.

"I'm gonna go grab them now I'll see u at lunch." He says before he turns and fast runs down the hallway.

Lunch. All I have to do is make it to lunch. Wait is he going to sit with me? Liv, Chloe, and Maddy are not going to like this. They probably already heard about us in the closet. I have a lot to explain to them. Too many thoughts are running through my head right now.

I sit down at my desk and stare at the clock.


The bell rings and I stand up and walk out of the classroom. Then I see Liv, Chloe, and Maddy walking really fast towards me.

We meet and Liv starts talking really fast "Oh my gosh. Have you heard what everyone is saying? What happened? Is it true?"

"What is everyone saying?" I ask not knowing if I want to know the answer.

"That you and Cameron Watters were in a janitor's closet together." Chloe says.

Relieved it wasn't worse I say "Oh yeah that's true." I start walking towards my class.

They follow me and Maddy asks "What did you guys do in there?"

"Nothing. I'll tell you the whole story at lunch. I can't be late I already skipped first period."

They all look at each other.

Chloe looks back at me and says "You were in a janitors closet alone with Cameron for 43 minutes?"

Maddy and Liv say "Oh my gosh." In unison.

All of a sudden I see Scott.

"Oh my gosh guys hide me!" I say hiding behind Liv.

"Now what happened with Scott?" Maddy asks.

"Okay guys what happened today so far is a really long and complicated story. I'll explain all of it at lunch." I say sick of being asked all these questions.

We get to my class and we see Cam standing outside the classroom.

"Cam. What are you doing?" I ask really confused.

"I just wanted to see if you got to your class okay." He says.

"You said before see you at lunch." I laugh.

"Yeah um...I couldn't wait that long." He laughs.

I can see out the corner of my eye that all three of my friends are staring Cam down. I think he noticed too.

"Oh okay." I smirk.

~Cameron's POV~

So I'm talking to her and her friends are giving me the dirtiest looks. I don't know if she told them yet. I don't even know if she wants me telling people.

I don't know what that kiss meant to her. What if it meant nothing to her?

It sure meant something to me. You don't know how bad I want to kiss her again.

After we have our conversation the whole goodbye part is a little awkward. I hope the kiss didn't make her not like me for some reason, but she did kiss me.

~Sophia's POV~

I walk into the classroom and sit down. I'm thinking too much. All I'm thinking is what did the kiss mean to him. He kisses a lot of girls all the time. How is a kiss from me any different?

He can probably have any girl in the school. I doubt the kiss meant anything to him. I should probably forget about it.


I walk into the lunch room and see...


Author's note- Hope you enjoyed my chapter if you did don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Thank you guys so much for reading my book and commenting it really means a lot. I decided I'm going to right another book after this one!! And can everyone try to answer the questions below!?! Can everyone also follow me so you guys receive updates about the book?

What's going to happen with Cam and Sophie??

Does anyone still like Scott?

Thoughts on Cam?

Fav character in the book?

Everyone Comment where they are from!!!!

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