Chapter 2 - Blood Cupcakes

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I sat in the office, as the family sat across the desk, looking at me like I was gum in the bottom of their shoe.

"So... what hobbies do you like??" the man asked.

"I like to draw," i said.

The woman nods and another 5 minutes of an awkward silence. The look on their face was the same of all otehr adopting families when they see me- fear and disgust.

 "Well, i think we're done. We'll talk about it ourselves, sweetie," the woman said in a bittersweet tone.

I nod and get up and walk out, closing the door.

I wasn't long after stepping out I have a cupcake held in front of me.

"Early, but its always cupcake time," a familiar voice smirked. I smile and look at my friend Derick and smirk, taking the cupcake in my hands. The frosting was all red, and it looked more like blood and guts than a cutsie little parlor game cupcake.

"Weird little cupcake," i said.

"Its a reject cupcake, since they didn't stir the food coloring right. Since you like gorey books, I decided to snag this one. Happy early birthday, Josie," he said.

I nod. "Thanks," i said, and lick some frosting. It tasted bittersweet, but it was still good.

I guess the food coloring was a bit acidic when mixed in with the frosting.

I then bite it. It was red velvet.

"hmmm.... a bloody cupcake. I'll remember this, Derick," i smirked.

"Wanna hear what they're saying??" he asked, pointing at the door.

"Probably the same thing everytime," I said as we pressed our eyes carefully to the door.

"Josie X??"

"Yes, we don't know... their true last names, so she sugested just giving her a letter and then if she's adopted just to change her name to her new family's."

 "Wait, she was the daughter of... them??"

"Yes, she is." 

"I should have known. She looks so much like her father and mother." She said that with so much disgust.

"I can assure you, Josie is nothing like them. She's quiet and not very social, yes, but she wouldn't hurt anybody." At least the mother of the orphanage, Emily, is defending me.

"I'm sorry, but she is still young and grow into her family's mental madness."

Man, this guy makes my parents sound worse than I can think of.

"Tell the young girl we're sorry, but we decided no."

"I understand."

"Dang. Sorry, Josie." Derick said.

I shrug as we start walking away from the room.

"Nah, you get used to being rejected," i said, taking a nibble at my bloody cupcake.

"But why do people keep rejecting you for the same reason. What did your parents do that would make them become so feared??" he asked.

I am about to answer the usual "I wish I knew" when something from the end of the hall behind us makes us jump.

It was a scream.


Picture of Derick--------------->>>

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