Dancing in One Direction - Part 17

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Part 17

I reach for my phone, finally just turning it off after the hundredth text. Some are from Laura and Meabh and stuff wanting to know where I disappeared too last night, though I'm not oblivious to Harry's name popping up on the screen every two seconds. I just can't handle seeing anyone. I just want to stay wrapped up in my cosiest blanket in my room forever, basically the way I've been since I first arrived home last night.

The tears didn't last long, only an hour or so when I got home, but then I never was much of a crier. Still, it felt like my heart was breaking in two - it still does. Harry's words are still pounding through my head. He honestly believes I don't love him? I- I mean I do. Don't I? Anyway, more than anything, I can't believe that through everything he still doesn't trust me or believe me about Chloe. Why can't he see what I see?

I jump a little when the front door slams. I mentally remember that it's Josie's day off, and Dad left early this morning to sort office work.

Seth. I didn't hear him come in last night, so I just assumed he was in his room. Obviously not.

I climb up from my bed, blanket still wrapped around my shoulders and go through my door into the spacious hall.

'Hey,' I say as Seth reaches the top of the stairs below, grouchily stomping past me, completely ignoring my weak greeting. 'Hey, did you stay out all night?' I ask, turning him around to look at the same rumpled clothes he was wearing yesterday, getting a general smell of cold, sweat and mud.

'What do you care?' he says gruffly, yanking his arm from my grasp.

'Because you look like crap and I know how you feel right now,' I say simply, pulling my blanket in closer. I watch as Seth takes in my general messy state from my old grey track bottoms to the messy bun on top of my head.

'Yeah? Doubt it,' he says, striding past me again, back down the stairs, with me following closely behind him, not willing to let it go so easily.

'What happened?' I ask, following him to the kitchen.

He says nothing, just lifts a can of Coke from the fridge and breaks the seal, looking like he's doing it more just to give him something to do.

'You first.' He looks at me expectantly, taking a sip.

I shiver a little even though the kitchen isn't cold. I've spent the whole night reliving the scene that almost broke me in two. I didn't really want to go through it all again.

'Forget it.' Seth says, grabbing his Coke to leave.

'Wait!' I say, watching as he holts.

'It's ok, you don't have to.' he says softily.

'Well I'll make you a deal,' I say hesitantly. 'I'll tell you my story if you tell me yours?'

There's a slight silence as Seth sets the Coke down, and gives a gentle nod.

I take a seat, and tell him everything. Well, not everything, because I'm not sure he'd appreciate knowing about Harry and I kissing pretty heatedly before our interruption. But yeah, pretty much everything, including Chloe's insane behaviour.

'Look I get it if you don't believe me about Chloe,' I say, bracing myself for more doubt against me, 'but -'

'Actually I do believe you.'

'- I swear Seth she's pure evil. And you may not want to- wait. What?' I ask, shocked that someone might finally realise what she's like.

'I said I believe you.'

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