chapter 4

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Cecelia's eyes automatically fluttered closed as soon as her body came in contact with the rather chilly water. She shuddered, moving her arms and legs in a fast pace. Waves were lightly slapping against the huge rocks to her side; that was the only sound ringing in her ears. Cecelia swam until her muscles hurt, until the shore was barely visible. She sucked in a good amount of air, and flipped over on her back, floating. Seconds, minutes ticked by. She slowly swallowed back nervously as she gradually felt her back, legs, and arms begin to sting. Her breathing quickened as she immediately flipped over, whipping her head from side to side. She knew darn well what that stinging indicated. Water gets stingy and thick only when jellyfish were lingering around.

Cecelia's heart raced, her pupils dilating as soon as her eyes landed on a light blue, almost white jellyfish. It was gliding through the water, closely to her. Cecelia had previously watched a documentary that showed ways to grab a jellyfish. She'd have to grab the jellyfish from the head, quickly flip it, and pull it out of the water. Wanting to do just that and hoping she won't fail at it, she realized that there wasn't only one jelly. There were three, four more. Don't panic, she chanted in her head over and over. She could almost hear her blood pounding in her ears, could almost feel it rush through her whole body. The jellyfishes were swimming closer, their long tentacles surrounding her, threatening her. In a blink of an eye, the jellyfish wrapped its tentacles around her left arm and stung her. Cecelia shrieked out loud, the stinging intolerable. Tears trickled down her cheeks as the pain began to consume her. She felt as if her lungs became paralyzed, her mouth was drying up. With her body surrendering to the burning sensation of the sting, she slowly sank underwater.

Warmth invaded her senses as her body stilled, craving the foreign feeling. Cecelia blinked, her eyes slowly opening. Taking in her surroundings, she gasped loudly. She was lying on one big rock, green algae tickling her back. How did I end up here? Cecelia's eyes widened as she pushed herself back; no she wasn't shocked because she happened to be lying on a rock, no, she was shocked, scratch that, stunned because of the person right in front of her. She took several nervous gulps, her jaw falling open as she took in the features of the man staring right through her. He was breathtaking, beyond beautiful. She has never seen such a gorgeous-looking man before. His eyes were a tint of blue, green, and believe it or not, purple. However, the blue in them was the most dominant. His hair was blonde, the ends almost white blonde. They were long and wavy; they looked so majestic. Cecelia's heart drummed against her chest as her eyes traced his perfectly heart-shaped, pink lips. Oh, and he happened to be shirtless. Cecelia ignored the tingles that ran down her spine as she stared at his toned chest. 

Just as she was about to speak, to ask all those questions running through her head, the man slowly reached out and touched her arm. Cecelia flinched, her arm stinging. He locked his eyes on hers, and gently wrapped his fingers around her throbbing arm. Electric jolts ran through her, sparks igniting deep within her in the most pleasant ways. Closing his eyes and letting out a long breath, he removed his hand and looked up at her. Cecelia squealed like a little girl; the sting was gone. It disappeared. He made it disappear. She jerked her head up, a questioning look fogging her face. "H-how did you do th-that?"

He didn't answer, he was expressionless as his eyes raked her, scrutinizing her. Cecelia flushed red, realizing that she was still in her bikini, with a half naked guy who happened to magically heal her. She stared at him, wondering if his other half was naked too. He didn't once get out of the dark water, she couldn't possibly know unless she jumps in with him. Clearing her throat, she mumbled out. "D-did you save me? I think I was drowning, I don't know what happened next..." Her voice trailed away, as she was met with silence once again. Looking ahead towards the shore, she sighed to herself, I better swim back before anyone notices that I'm gone. A splashing sound brought her attention back to the striking man. Her heart instantly warmed once her eyes landed on him. Noticing that he was diving in, without saying a word to her, she yelled out, making him stop. "At least tell me your name!" Cecelia pleaded.

He squinted his eyes, chewing on his bottom lip, as if struggling with himself. "Queseon." He said in a throaty whisper, and in a flash, he dipped underwater. No longer in sight. Cecelia let out a long, deep breath that she didn't know she was holding. His voice. It felt so familiar. It hummed in her ears, holding her captive. She blinked, licking her lips that felt oh so dry. He managed to say only one word, and she's losing it. Get a grip, she chastised herself. Looking around one last time, she got in the water herself; noting that he did not once surface, but she probably missed him or something. Shaking her head, she swam as fast as she could, back to shore.





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