Chapter 28 Lana

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 Chapter 29 Lana

I was spending some time training Dimitri while the others were still out of town. It would be easier to get the basics laid down while they weren't here. I didn't need to have the risk of getting caught while teaching a uncontrollable werewolf how to fight. Yeah I am sure that would go over well with the girls.

Dimitri bends over panting hard. “Can.” Pant. “We.” Pant. “Take.” Pant. “A break?”

“Sure.” I said, my voice without a sound of tiredness in it. “You look like you need it.”

He was covered in sweat. I didn't realize that I had worked him that hard. Maybe I should have taken this whole training thing at an easier pace. Not everyone learns as fast as I do. Though he seemed to be keeping up pretty well.

“How ya holdin' up?” I ask him, watching as he dumps his third bottle of water on himself.

“Eh, been better.” he says as he gives a tired yawn.

“Maybe we should continue this later.” I said.

“As much as I hate to give up today, I have to agree.” he said. “Wow, you have some fighting power.”

I nod. “You don't get to be head hunter because your best a cheerleading.”

“Yeah, what's that all about anyways? You don't seem like a head hunter type. Yet you are.” he said.

“It's a long story.” I sighed, turning away.

“Sorry if I spiked up some unwanted memory.” Saying exactly what he had done.

“No, it's okay. Really.” I told him. I checked my watch. “It's a good thing we stopped for the day. You have to wake up bright and early, Zane get's to work with you on your shifting in the morning.” I realized there was a little spark of hatred when I said Zane's name, before I could take it back.

“What happened between you and Zane?” Dimitri asks, picking up on the tone. “Ex-boyfriend?”

I shake my head with a disgusted look. “No, bleah, never. I would never in a million years date a shifter. Especially when it's that shifter in particular.”

“Then what happened between you two?”

“I might as well tell you. Before he tells you the wrong thing.” I said. “Well here it goes. This is how it all started:

I walked into my new school, Mountain Crest High School, for the first time. I was sent here by the Hunters Council since one of their last hunters died in a tragic accident involving some sort of demon. I had no troup so automatically I was deployed here.

“Hi, Lana Montgomery, I am Marcy Jones.” said a red haired girl in a cheerleading uniform with a blinding smile. “Head cheerleader and hunter.”

“I'm new hunter.” I said, then blushing as home lame that sounded. Some of these things sound so much better in my head. “So will you be showing me around?”

She shakes her head. “I just had to come and tell you hello. I have to get back to class. See you later.”

I watched as she walked away. I gave her a small wave before she turned the corner. But I highly doubted she saw it.

“Lana?” a male voice asks from behind me. I turn to see a red haired boy looking at me. He gives me a nervous smile. “I'm Zane. I have never done this before, but I am supposed to show you around.”

“Cool.” I said. I took a deep breath and then froze. “What are you?”

“What do you mean?” he scoffs. “Human of course.”

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