Chapter 23: Lana

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Chapter 23, Lana

“Aw, and what would be the fun in admitting that you are right for once?” I ask him with a look that dared him to say more. I smiled over at his sister. “Zara, it's been a while hasn't it?”

“Indeed it has.” she replies. “Seems a lot has changed since I left.”

“Apparently.” I said.

“Enough with the touchy reunion.” Zane snaps.

“Oh, temper temper. Somebody is being a little impatient.” I said, tapping a finger to my chin.

“What are you?” asked the dark haired boy.

I laughed sharply. “I am a vampire. Head hunter for the area. Meaning I dispose of those causing trouble. Which is your little group. Why didn't I receive an invitation to this little party, Zaney?”

“Maybe it just got lost in the mail.” he seethed. He turned to the boy. “Advice stay away from her, she vill vant to suck your blood.” Imitating Dracula for the last part, holding his fingers to his face as if they were fangs.

I rolled my eyes. “I don't drink mutt blood, so I think you and Zane are safe. Besides I heard that werewolf blood tastes like mud. Now who are you?”

“Allow me to do the introductions.” Zane said. “Ms. Perfect, meet Mr. Perfect. Mr. Perfect, meet Ms. Perfect.”

Mr. Perfect and I shared an eye roll. “My name is Dimitri.” he told me.

“I am Lana, guess you already know that. Most feared vampire in the area. Killer of all things supernaturally trouble. Head cheerleader. Yada yada yada. That's enough niceness. Now tell me why exactly you are causing trouble? I got sent back here from camp to come and see what you all were doing. And I want to know what you are up to before I have to kill you.”

“I ain't sayin' nothin'.” Zane said, crossing his arms stubbornly.

“Oh, I see how it is. This is going to be fun then.” I said viciously smiling.

I started running towards him, kicking him in the side of the head.

“You really shouldn't have done that, blondie.” he said grimly.

I punched him hard in the stomach. He punches me in the face, breaking my nose with a painfully sounding crack. By the time I throw my next punch my nose is already healed. His wounds are healing up slower then mine.

“Guys, stop fighting.” Zara says.

Dimitri tries to get in between the two of us, but I am faster. Getting away from him before he could even touch me. I vault over his head, landing on Zane's back. I hold him tightly in a head lock. He pushes me back against a wall roughly, attempting to break my back. Only a few ribs are broken. They heal in an instant. Thank goodness for vampire healing speed. Without it it would have taken forever to heal from all the fighting that I do.

Zane all of a sudden pulls at my cheerleading skirt, ripping it.

I glare at him. “You really shouldn't have done that.”

“Whatcha gonna do about it?” he asks with a triumphant smile on his face.

“This.” I said. I pulled out two guns; one pointed at Zane's head, the other at Dimitri's.

“That's not playing fairly, Lana.” Zane said.

“What can I say? I never play fairly.” I said.

“That's for sure.” he replied. “Then again, neither do I.”

He shifts into his little wolf. The wolf snaps at my legs. I kick it in the head. It shies away a little. Stupid mutt. Then he goes back charging at me, this time for my arm. I grabbed it's mouth, pulling it's jaws apart.

This time Dimitri manages to separate us. “Stop it, you two.”

Zane shifts back. “I'd rather not. I am having too much fun.”

“Bucket loads.” I snarled at him.

“Meow!” Zane said.

“What's that exactly supposed to mean?” I asked him.

“Nothing, just that you fight like it's a cat fight.” he challenged with a smirk on his face. I instantly wanted to punch that cocky smirk off his annoying face.

I went to attack him, but Dimitri held me back. “No more fighting.”

I pushed him away. “Get away from me. I came here to kill you both. So let me get back to doing what we came here to do.”

“It isn't them causing the trouble.” someone said from behind us all. We turned to see Marionette standing there.

“And what exactly is then?” I ask impatiently. I am pretty sure that it is them causing the trouble. Nothing else could be as annoying as Zane Kingston. Living as long as I have, I have met a lot of annoying people so that is saying something.

“Negatives.” she said.

I groaned. “Great this is great. I thought my group had gotten rid of all of them.”

“A bunch yes, but not all.” she explained. “I think who's ever in charge of them is sending more here for some reason.”

“And what exactly is Zane and Dimitri doing then?”

“Zane is training Dimitri how to shift and fight.” Zara explained. “It's the only way that we are going to destroy them. If we work together.”

I groaned. “Be glad that I want to get rid of those things. I will help you train him.”

“Who said I needed your help training?” Zane snaps at me.

“I am one of the best fighters here. Plus you need someone who is stronger then you to train him, Zane. After all compared to me you are a weakling.”

“Those sound like fighting words.” he says.

I smile, flipping my hair over my shoulder. “Oh believe me they are.”

“Enough with the fighting for now.” Zara said. “Just start with the training before one of you ends up killing the other one.” Then she mutters to Dimitri under her breath, “My money is on Lana on killing Zane.”

I laugh as Zane says, “Hey!”

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