Chapter 15: Marionette

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Marionette Chapter 15:

I’m sitting in a desk its cold and uncomfortable I fidget around trying to get a more comfortable position, looking around I realize I’m in a classroom. Classmates behind me are bantering to each other, whispering about something too. I strain to hear what they’re talking about but their words make no sense. Changing my focus I look at the front of the classroom and see that the teacher is missing. She should be here teachers aren’t suppose to be late, if she’s not here the kids will get out of control, suddenly a bell rings. I jump as the door flies open.

“I sorry I’m late kids! I had to pick up some cookies!”  the teacher states as she rushes in. Her hair is a deep chocolate brown that looks black it’s in thick princess style curls and bounces as she walks to her desk. She looks very familiar. She turns around giving a bright smile, her eyes are a violet that glitter with a blue. Then I remember who she is.

“Elda!” I gasp

“Please Marionette call me by Ms. Elda.” She chuckles giving me a wink.

“Sorry, wait what are you doing here?” Elda wasn’t a teacher was she?

“Teaching of course! Now let’s begin class!” that makes sense I think to myself. Reaching inside her bag Elda grabs some flash cards, “Now I’m going to show some pictures and you have to tell me what they are, okay? Now what is this?” The card showed a picture of the clearing where we were yesterday night.

“A clearing in the woods.” Shouts someone behind me, I look back to see who answered but to my surprise the classroom was empty.

“Now what about this picture?” Elda asks holding up a picture of the bodies.

“The corpse of some of our classmates!” someone else states proudly. I turn around again still no one was there, maybe it was recess and they were outside? No that wouldn’t work, how come I couldn’t see them but hear them.

“Marionette please pay attention. This picture is important, now what is this?” She whispers holding up a picture of a silver pocket watch.

“A clock.” I answer

“Good! Here’s a reward.” Elda says while handing me a cookie. I silently begin to munch on it and she holds up another card, “Now here who is this person and what can he do?” I instantly recognize the face.

“Teller! He can control time! He also has very nice hair.” I’ve finished my cookie now so Elda hands me another and I begin munching on that one.

 “Perfect! Now I want you to put the pictures together, it’s like a puzzle.” I stare at her blankly. Giving a sigh she holds up the picture of the bodies again. “How does this make you feel?”



“Because we couldn’t save them.”

She picks up the pocket watch picture again, “Now what happens if we turn a clock counter clockwise?”

“Time moves backwards.”

“And what can he do?” She asks holding up Teller’s picture.

“Control time!” I shout! I realize what she was trying to tell me!

I sprang up from my bed. I could ask Teller to turn back time and save those kids! Why didn’t I think of this earlier at the school! I glancing at my alarm clock it read 9:10pm. It wouldn’t be too late to ask, but I didn’t know how to contact Teller. He did say that he watches people’s lives so maybe he could hear me if I asked out loud. It was worth a shot.  I looked down to see that I was in my pajamas I would have to change first.

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