Chapter 9: Marionette

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Chapter 9: Marionette

                I’m in a house, who’s I don’t know, but I’m in a house. The lights give the rooms a golden glow of festive cheer. I look around and notice decorations but they’re blurring and can’t make out what holiday they’re for. I look down startled see my outfit has changed, from what I can’t remember. It’s a light blue dress that fits perfectly to my body shape and stops just above my knees there’s golden swirl designs at the hems there’s also a golden sash. I love it, I love this dress I think while I swirl around giggling. There’s laughter somewhere, people are talking but I can’t understand what they’re saying. I walk across the room towards a stairway. I gently place my hand on the stair rail, it’s wood I notice like a dark cherry maple. How do I know that, I don’t know. I return my attention back to the top of the stairs. The voices are louder and there’s a light on too. I slowly walk up taking in every detail the house feels familiar yet foreign at the same time. I walk toward the door where the golden light is spilling out through the cracks. The voices are even louder here they must be in there. An urgent of wanting to join in the laughter washes over me. I want to talk too, I think to myself. I smile as I grab the door knob I feel like I about to up a gift. Light pours out as I make my way in blinding my eyes. As they adjust I realize there’s no one here and I can’t hear their voices. I walk in anyway disappointed I wanted to have fun too.

“Hi.” Says a voice from a corner of the room I turn around to see a little boy. He’s about the age of 10 or so with black hair that has been brushed back neatly for a party he’s is also really tan which makes me a tad bit jealous. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a blood red tie. Maybe he knows where the people are I think.

“Hello! “, I reply warmly, “Do you know where those voices are? I want to join them!”

“I don’t belong there with them neither do you.”  He replied in a matter of factly tone then sits down staring up at me. I realized his eyes were silver; the type of silver that makes you feel like they could see your soul but there was something strange with one of his eyes the color was off.

“What’s your name?” he said still staring.

“Marionette who are you? “ I said while sitting down in front of him. All I got was a shrug. “You don’t know what your name is?”

“I know my name! I just…” He finally stopped staring at me and adverted his gaze toward the ground, “I just don’t know who I am. I used too but now I don’t” He looks up at me again but he has changed he’s older now he looks about 16 or 17. His eye the one that seem off compared to the other it was a deep red while the other was piercing silver. I gave I little gasp surprised about the red eye. He gave a grin and looked out through the window “My name if you really want to know is ------.” I couldn’t hear his name his mouth moved but no words came out. “Bye Marionette looks like you have to leave.” He said looking behind me still grinning. I turn to see what his look at and find Teller there smiling down at me hand out stretched to help me up.

“Time to leave my doll. You’re not supposed to be in this room it’s dangerous.”   He said taking my hand pulling me up.

“I don’t want to! Let me go I want to stay.” I whined like a kid trying to break from his grip as he dragged me towards the door.

“But my dear the moon is out and he is not how do I say this, among are kind anymore.” I looked out through window to see the moon face full pouring in its light into the room.

“He’s right Marionette. It’s not safe here with me.” Piped in the boy smiling, “Unless if you want to die.” At the moment he finished his body shook and he lunged out toward us. The boys was gone and in replace a wolf  was coming at us eyes full of hunger and jaws open teeth showing falling towards us closer and closer letting out a howl. 

                  My eyes pop open realizing that it was just a dream. I lay there for a couple minutes reviewing my dream. It was strange but I liked it. Who was the boy though I wondered I wish I could have heard his name. I slowly edged my way out of my bed and just sat there dazed and exhausted from last night. Curious why I didn’t hear my alarm yet I look at my clock then gave a shriek.

“12:30! Elda why didn’t you wake me up! I’m going to be late wait I am LATE for school!” I said correcting myself “Elda?” I looked down to see my shadow was gone.  She did not do what I think she did I thought to myself but she probably did.

“Elda” I think to her in scary calm voice.


Where are you?”

“At school! This is fun! I thought since you were so tired from last night I would fill in for you!” Yep folks she did what I was hoping she didn’t do. Not that I didn’t appreciate her helping me but it there is so many things that could go wrong. For one she’s a shadow and if someone bumps into her they will go right threw her leaving a lot of explain to and second we react differently to situation for example if a teacher gets starts to yell at the class I would sit there and be polite while Elda on the other hand would stand up and start telling off the teacher. 

Okay what class are we in right now?”

“Not in class.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re skipping?”

“Nope neither it’s lunch time! Oh here comes Lana! I’ll see you later.”

“NO! Don’t you dare say anything to her! I am coming right now! You hear me DO NOT TALK TO HER!” This was not good I quickly through on some close and made a peanut butter rice cake for breakfast, I’d have to brush my teeth later. 

                I made it to the school in three minutes flat thanks to hoping in and out of shadows it’s quick and easy but is terribly cold.   I jogged toward the lunch room doing my best to stop shivering.

Elda come outside the lunch room I’m here.”

“Coming!”  She said in a sing song voice right as the bell rang. “Oh I made some cookies as a gift to thank Zane for you!”  I peeped around the corner to see Lana, Zane, and Sophie all stand in front of a table where Elda was sitting. But they weren’t look at her they were all glaring at each completely forgetting her. I waved her over when she looked my way and came walking towards me. “Bathroom we don’t want people see two of you.”  She suggested.

                I hurried into the bathroom and gave a quick scan to make sure no one was in there, thankfully no one was. I second later Elda appeared.

“Well that was fun.” She said giving a sweet smile it was like looking into a mirror to see myself standing there, it’s another one of our tricks, Elda can take the form on me but no one else maybe it’s because we’re connect.

“Hurry before someone comes.” I urged. Elda quickly set my school things down then losing my features she became a dark outline of me and sank into the ground. “Zane’s gift is in your lunch box there’s some cookies for you too!”

“Thank you Elda.” I said out loud. I picked up my things and hurried off to my next class but of course I nabbed a cookie before I left. I’d have to give Zane his later or I’d eat them.

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