Chapter 17: Zane

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Chapter 17: Zane

                I was still steaming from the Dimitri encounter when I got back to the warehouse. For some people what I’m going through lately is enough to drive them insane. To me it’s just a regular day. That was when I decided to start figuring out what I should do with everything.  Since it was the latest thing I decided to deal with Dmitri first.

                After thinking this I realized that I could hear someone coming up to my door. Not knowing who it was I prepared for the worst. I reached over, and grabbed my shifter gloves. The thing that makes my gloves special is that as I shift they shift to match my form, not to mention the lethal spikes that cover them. It took me a second to get them on, but after they were on I was ready to kill. I threw open the door and stepped out.

                Standing outside was the one person I didn’t want to see right now. Dmitri. Trying to decide whether or not I should still kill him I stepped towards him. Thanks to my heightened senses I could tell he was scared of me. Fear was coming off of him in waves.

                Scared as he was Dmitri still managed to say, “So, is it true you can tell I’m not normal?”

                “I thought that you were normal. After all as an old friend of mine would say, I’m just being paranoid.”

                “I didn’t want to say anything with that girl, Marionette, around, but I need help. I need someone to teach me how to fight with my power.”

                “Fine I might help, but I have to know what you are if I’m going to be able to help you.”

                Dmitri looked even more scared than before when he said, “I am a made warewolf.”

                Right then I started to walk away, and when Dmitri started to say something I beat him to it by saying, “There is no way that I am going to help a made warewolf, because half the hunters already hate me this would give them their chance to finally kill me.”

                “Fine don’t help me then. Even though I’m already being hunted by some stupid looking guy. I mean he wears a mask like this is a masquerade party, I don’t think you can get much stupider than that.”

                At his words I froze. The guy in the mask had got me too, so I knew right then that I was going to help him. I turned to him and said, “Okay if I’m going to be your teacher you need to know a few basic rules. They are the 6 rules of survival. They are your best bet to keeping alive.”

                I think I saw Mr. Perfect start to smile as he looked away and said, “Thank you so when do we get started?”

                I could barely contain my grin as he turned back around and didn’t see me there. When he had looked away I had shifted into an eagle, and was hovering just over his head. Dmitri still couldn’t find me after a few minutes, so I knew I had to teach him fast. Not even bothering to get closer to the ground I shifted back into a human, and landed behind him. Since this is me of course I couldn’t just let him get off easily, so while his back was turned I kicked his legs out from under him watching him fall.

                While he was on the ground I walked over to him and started saying the rules, “Rule one is never turn your back on an opponent unless you want to get killed. Rule two is never underestimate an opponent. Rule three is always have an escape route planned in case things go south. Rule four is always know what is going on around you. Finally, rule five is never stay in one place too long.”

                As I started to walk away I heard, “Wait that was only five rules I thought there were six.”

                I barely turned to him as I was thinking about how much I broke this rule, “The most important rule of them all is never trust anyone, because the second you do you are dead.” I walked off after that heading towards the one place I go whenever I feel like hiding. I went to the paranormal library.

                See the history of the library is that it was started back during the Salem witch trials. It was how the paranormals back then were hiding all of their history. Now it is a library for any paranormal creature to be able to find out about the others. I come here a lot, because there is also a powerful spell woven around this place that will not allow bloodshed. I really need that protection lately.

                As I walked in I saw something strange in the corner. It was this weird looking creature that looked like it was pure black with red eyes and had huge muscles. The second I walked in the library it turned and jumped at me. My instincts took over as I used its own momentum to throw it outside. Not knowing what would happen I turned and ran after it.

                I was still chasing it when I realized that I wasn’t alone. Hoping that it wasn’t another one of those things I turned around expecting a fight. As it turned out what was there wasn’t what I expected. Actually I had hoped that I wouldn’t see her here. She turned at me and said, “Zane what are you doing here?”

                I looked at her and said, “I should ask you the same thing, Marionette.”

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