Chapter 16: Marionette

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 Chapter 16: Marionette

People chatted and laughed as they walked by on the streets of town there wasn’t many but there was just enough to give the town a lively buzz. Elda and I were scouting the city for any negatives but the strange thing was there wasn’t a sign of them. This is so weird Elda! The boss sent us here because of the high ratings of negatives living here yet I’ve only seen one!

I know this isn’t making sense but the boss would have pulled us out if the ratings lowered. And if the negatives had moved to another location he would have informed us so. Elda sounded just as confused as I was. Sighing I sat down on a nearby bench in front of an ice cream store.

“So that means they must be hiding or we’re looking in the wrong places.” I mumbled out loud. Slowly I stood up to continue searching for clues about where negatives could be hiding then suddenly a flash of orange caught my eye, Ah it’s him Elda groaned. Through the small crowd of people I saw Zane his face was pale with a grim expression his eyes darted side to side scanning the area then he looked down at the ground in front of him. He doesn’t look to good Elda maybe we should see if he’s okay…

Why should we do that! See he’s fine if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be able to walk! Now let’s go before he sees us! Elda replied with a huff. Ignoring her I walked off toward Zane.

“Hey Zane,” I waved my hand over my head to catch his attention, “Are you okay?”

“Wh-what? Oh it’s you Marionette.” His eyes narrowed “Just leave me alone.”

I took a step back, why was he being so hostile? I looked down at Elda as she yelled Because he’s a jerk and you should just leave! “Sorry it’s just that you didn’t look well. Are you sure your okay, do you have a fever?” that would explain why he looked pale, I took a step forward, but he didn’t look sick.

“Yeah I’m fine. Just leave me alone!” he instinctively to a step back. Unconvinced by his reply I stepped forward “Zane… what’s wrong?” What could be bugging him? I wondered. Marionette! You are wasting your time!Elda piped in I looked down at her Just a little longer I replied.

“Something I can’t talk about.” Zane said grimly.

“Oh, okay,” Obviously he wasn’t going to budge and I didn’t want to push too hard to find out and upset him, smiling I asked “Are you sure? Sometimes it helps to talk about things maybe I can help.”

“Sometimes it’s safer to not talk about things.” His eyes darkened. What could be so dangerous to talk about, now I was dying of curiosity.

 “Well it’s also safer for someone to know that way if something were to happen that would know about it,” My eyes widened as a thought popped in my head, “WAIT! Zane you’re not in a gang are you?”

“Haha I wish that was what it is.” He laughed sadly shaking his head a little.

“Ah thank goodness!” I sighed with relief “Well anyway if want to talk I’m here! But for now we’re going to turn that frown upside down with ICE CREAM!” I threw my arms up excitedly hoping ice cream would cheer him up.

Zane narrowed eyes in a glare “NO!” suddenly it dawned on me as I laughed at Zane’s reaction toward ice cream. He might know something about the vampires and green creatures I saw in the woods. “Come on Zane! Ice cream will cheer you up,” I felt a sly smile grow across my face “Plus I have some questions.” Elda sighed I don’t like this Marionette.It’s fine Elda we did to know what’s up with this town who’s better to ask then a wear-wolf I reassured her.

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