14. Pairs

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Chapter 14

Today I woke up still on the couch. I stood up and stretched. "How was your sleep?" my mom greeted. "It was great, thanks mom!" She was in the kitchen and I could smell something divine coming out of it so I followed it. BLUEBERRY PANCAKES!

"Mmmmmmm!" I said totally having food orgasm. Haha! "You're the best, mom!"

"Actually, these aren't meant to be for you, sweetie."

My jaw dropped, "Why so cruel, mom? What are these doing in the kitchen then?"

"Your dad and I are going to the beach, we'll be having a picnic."

"Great, and the twins and I can't tag along?"

"Nope." my dad said popping the 'p'

"You guys are the best!" I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Cheer up, hun. You have laundry and house work to do!"

"Totally cheered me up!" I said again being sarcastic.

So, my parents decided to go on a date and their own kids can't even tag along. It's cute and all that they want to spend their time together worrying about nothing just being with each other like the good old days but as if we'd like to stay at home. I sighed deeply. "Can't you at least cook extra pancakes for us?" 

"Of course, sweetie." mom smiled while cooking.

Dad was packing muffins, pancakes, chicken pot pie, fruits, crisps and sandwiches in their large basket. Gosh, they are going to pig out!

"Why do you have so much food in there?" I asked.

"Well you see, it's not just going to be you and my mum, we'll have our friends back in college too." dad said.

"A little reunion!" my mom said smiling, "I miss the good old days!" she said looking zoning out, obviously reminscing. 

My mom got a plate and put pancakes for me and the twins. "Here are yours." mum smiled.

"Thanks mum."

"Look after the twins, would you?" Dad said.

"Yeah, yeah." I said kicking them out of the house, "Have fun, kids!" 

I watched them drove away. It's nice to see my mum and dad are still sweet to each other after all the hard times. I am lucky to have such loving parents and slightly annoying but super sweet sisters. I called them and they rushed downstairs to feast on pancakes with me. After that, we cleaned the kitchen and did some laundry. We still had a lot of time left and I decided I'll spend them with my cute little sisters. "How would guys want a makeover?"

"That sounds fun!" Millie said. I know they'd love it because they like messing with make up and they sure love making themselves look pretty (not that they don't look pretty already, my sisters are gorgeous!) I guess that's just how they are. They like pretending they're all grown up now. Who can blame them? When I was their age, I wore my mom's heels that were too big for me and acted all grown up too. But obviously, the grown ups would love to go back in time. Just like my mom and dad. I smiled to myself.

We went to my room and I took a whole bag of make up out. I only use them when there are parties and big occassions but I don't really like caking myself with make up like other slutty girls especially that girl on Teen Stars. I hope Chase doesn't get paired up with any of the three top sluts.

I put purple eye shadow on Millie and a blue one on Robyn. I applied mascara on their eye lashes and dabbed a little blusher on their cheeks. I kinda regret putting make up on their perfect skin. I don't wanna ruin it but they seem to be having fun. And it's not like we do that all the time. I applied lip gloss on their lips. After that, I did their hair. I curled Millie's hair perfectly and I tied Robyn's hair in a bun and curled the sides of her hair. I made them look in the mirror.

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