6. Romance in a slow dance

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Sorry I'm going to finish this story as quick as I can because I don't feel like carrying on with this. And no one ever reads this anymore anyway, I think? Haha. So yeah. I will try and finish soon and possibly start a fresh story that I will work hard on! :D xx


Chapter 6

I cleaned the house because I didn't want to Chase to think that we're a messy bunch. Haha! My parents were pretty pleased with me and they said I should invite him more often so I can clean up more. Pshhh as if! After I finished cleaning up, I took a quick shower and got dressed. I picked up a pair of denim shorts and a comfortable hoodie. I fixed my hair and dabbed a little amount of mascara on, popped pizza in the oven and waited for Chase to arrive. 

The doorbell rang. I legged it to the door. "Hey Hattie!" Chase greeted. "Hey" I greeted back. "Come in!"

So I showed him the living room, kitchen, where we dine and the study room. My house is quite small. That's all that's downstairs. "Chase, these are the twins. Twins, this is Chase." I introduced them. "And what are the twins called?" Chase asked. "I'm Robyn and she's Millie." Robyn a.k.a. Twin #1 said. Chase smiled. "Are your parents home?" "Yeah, let's go see them. They're in the garage. Dad's fixing the car."

We went to the garage. My mom and dad smiled. "Sooo. Who's this?" my mom said in a high pitched voice. Dad was under the car. "I'm Chase." "Nice to meet you, Chase. I'm Donna and this is my husband Tim." my dad showed himself all dirty and greasy. They shook hands. "Okay, so we're just going to be here, call us if you need anything." my dad said. "Okay dad." "You kids keep an eye out of the twins!" my mom said. I whined but Chase said he doesn't mind.

Chase took a few DVDs out of his bag. He has Iron Man, Avatar, Dead Silence, Mirrors, John Tucker Must Die, She's The Man and some other old random movies. The twins wanted to watch Dead Silence because they think they're "hardcore" enough to watch an 18 horror film. My parents wouldn't mind as long as it's not a rude film. Horror films are okay. 

So we were eating pizza and watching Dead Silence. The twins kept shouting and I kept shushing them while Chase kept laughing at us. One scene that actually made me scream was when that Billy appeared to the car window - it wasn't scary. It just made me jump because it was unexpected. I had to grab Chase' arm and he just laughed at me. I didn't let go of Chase' arm 'til the movie was finished. The ending wasn't so good. We cleared up. I showed Chase the rooms upstairs and the twins stayed downstairs eating leftover pizza.

"Here's my parents' room. Don't tell them I showed you their room." I said. He chuckled. It was white and brown and gold with scented candles. Chase thought it was too fancy. I showed him the twins' room. It was pink and blue with two beds and lots of pictures of them. Yeah, the twins are too conceited. "And this is my room." I didn't say anything waiting for him to say what he thinks. "Hmmm... it's very Hattie-ish." he said. "Is that a good thing?" I checked. "It's a great thing!" he smiled.

My room had plain white walls but they were covered with a lot of band posters and some pictures of me and my friends. I played some All Time Low music and we were raving in my bedroom. The acoustic version of Six Feet Under The Stars played so he grabbed my waist and slow danced with me. He kept laughing at me because I can't dance. I could feel my face going red, I hope he didn't notice. He hold me closer to him, holding my waist while I had my arms wrapped around his neck. He leaned closer to me tilting his head so I did the same. He pressed his lips against mine and my tongue searched for his. We broke apart at the same time. I grinned at him. What were we doing? It felt so right. He pressed his lips against mine for the second time and we sat on the bed kissing. I grabbed his hair while he had his hands on my waist. Are we inlove with each other? I don't think so. What were we doing? We spent the whole afternoon listening to music and dancing and talking.

Chase had dinner with us and my parents just made it awkward by asking him lots of intimidating questions. They even asked if he was my boyfriend. Okay, dad, no. After dinner, Chase had to go home so we said our goodbyes. 

After that, he texted me saying that he had a really great time and would love to hang around with me again. We just kissed. I don't understand what we are. Are we going out or what? I rested on my bed confused but it wasn't a bad thing.

Next thing, I was in dream cloud.


Some Hattie and Chase action there.;) I'll be finishing this story soon, maybe some time next week or the week after that? So yeah. That's because I want to write a fresh story that I will put effort and time on so yeaaaaah. Tell me what you guys think about this one? xx

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