12. Waves

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Changed the cover because the old one was really boring. I like my new cover. The picture's not mine. I got it off weheartit.com :) xx


Chapter 12

I woke up still in Chase' arms. I turned around to face him and I rested my head against his chest. "You're awake already?" Chase whispered.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Wanna go get breakfast?"

"Let's go!" I enthusiastically said.

We walked together to a restaurant to get breakfast. I ordered sausages, pancakes and a breakfast muffin ignoring my diet and Chase ordered a full English breakfast. I looked at his plate. "Let's swap."


"I hate you."

"I love you too."

His breakfast looked way more appealing than mine. 

After breakfast, we decided to go for a swim. I got changed in my bikini. Chase constantly checking me out. Haha! But to be fair, I was checking his abs out too. 

We ran to the sea and dipped ourselves in. Chase being mean, grabbed my head and dipped it under water. "You meanie!" I said, "I'm gonna get you back!" I splashed water on his face. 

"Ow! Saltwater in my eye!" 

"You deserved that."

"Oh really?" he smiled evilly. 

"What are you thinking?" I said nervously.

He grabbed my feet pulling me under. "No no no!" I screamed. The waves took me to a deep part of the sea. "I CAN'T SWIM!" I shouted while slapping the water. "Heeeeeeelp!" I kept shouting.

Chase swam forward carrying me and layed me down on the sad. 

"Harriet, wake up!" he said panicking.

"Hattie!" he said slapping me.

He leaned closer to my face to mouth-to-mouth me, I grabbed his head and pushed it closer to my face and kissed him. After a short kiss, I laughed.

"Don't laugh!" he said, "That was NOT funny." 

"You should've seen your face!" I said still laughing.

"Seriously, you should never do that again. I was so worried!"

"I guess we're even."

He looked at me, his expression was unreadable.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd panic like that. I-"

"Of course I would. You think I wouldn't care?"


"Just don't ever do that again, okay?" 


He grabbed my face and pulled it closer to him as he pressed his soft lips against mine. 

"Let's go boating." I said.

We rented a boat and pushed it to the sea. Chase and I climbed on the boat and started rowing. There was silence for a little bit.

"Didn't you say you wanted to be a singer?" Chase said smiling at me.

"Yeah. Why?" I said confused.

"Well, sing then." he said grinning.

"No way!"

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