3. Congratulations

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Chapter 3

It's been two weeks since I last saw Chase. I talk to him on the phone when I have time though. It's hard to find time since school is finishing soon and I need to sort out all my coursework. I miss that dude. He instantly became a part of my life - cheesy, I know! But he is amazing. He makes me laugh and I'm comfortable around him.

My phone rang, it was Chase. What a coincidence. "Hey! You'll never guess what!" he said in a very excited tone.

"What is it?" I replied feeling excited too.



"Aren't you happy for me?"

"No, I'm really happy for you! It's just that I didn't get a letter from them."

He said that his audition didn't go so well because he was shaking the whole way through it and that he is worried he might have ruined it but he passed. I am the confident one and I didn't get a letter or a phone call. That is weird. I am really happy for him, he's a nice guy and he deserves to pass but how come I didn't pass? I dreamed of this all my life. It's not fair.

"Don't worry, the letter's probably on it's way to your house!" Chase said.

"But I should get the letter before you since I auditioned first, right?" I said.

"I don't think it works that way." he said.

He quickly changed the topic. "So, are you going to do anything in the summer?" he asked.

"I don't know. Hang around with my friends and probably do something with my family. How about you?" I said in a very dull tone.

"I want to hang around with you. You know, just us friends." he said.

So, I told him that we will do something together in the summer and we talked about ideas of what we should do. He wants to go camping but I just want to go somewhere nice and ride boats, etc. We'll come up with something soon.

When Chase hung up, I felt sad again. I want to think that I passed and that I just have to wait for the letter or a phone call to come but I can't help but think that I'm just a loser. I mean, I auditioned before him so if I passed, I should get a letter before him.

I spent the rest of the day staring at the ceiling while listening to music. I really don't want to think about Teen Stars for now. Chase rang again but I decided not to answer it, I just want to be alone. He kept ringing me but I ignored all his phone calls. He gave up and texted me instead saying "Are you sad? Please don't be. :)" It made me smile but I didn't want to reply to his text. I didn't feel like interacting with anyone.

I wasted all my time listening to music. Weightless by All Time Low came on. I remembered that day I saw Chase in the park and we sang Weightless. That was a good day.

My phone rang again, Chase just won't give up! Still looking up at the ceiling, I grabbed my phone and answered it, "Chase, sometimes, you are just too annoying!" I jokingly said.

"What? This is Beth."

"Oh, I thought you were Chase. Sorry. Why did you ring me?"

"Oh, don't you want to talk to your bestest friend ever anymore?" Beth said.

"Of course I do! I just... I'm..."

"What is it?"

"Well, you know my friend Chase?" I said. "The guy I met at the studio."

"Yeah, did he hurt you?" Beth assumed.

"No! What? Why would he hurt me?"

"Oh I thought he broke your heart or something."

"No! He wouldn't do that and besides, I've only known him for 3 weeks or something."

"What about Chase then?"

"He passed Teen Stars."

"That's great!"

"I don't think I did."

"How come?"

"I auditioned before him and I didn't get a letter."

"Even if you don't pass, you'd still get a letter saying if you passed or not right? So don't worry, that letter's just late."

Beth's right. I still have hope. Beth cheered me up. Why didn't I think of that? I spoke to Beth for a couple of hours about her job and about other things then she had to go babysit her baby cousin.

I rang Chase but he didn't answer so I tried ringing him again and again and again but there wasn't any answer. I texted him instead saying "I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls, I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. Please don't be upset." and he texted back saying, "Don't worry, it's okay. :)" and I told him that Beth said that I should get a letter saying if I passed or not and that the letter might be late. We both didn't think about that. Ha-ha!

I spent the rest of my night listening to music and doing coursework.


Please don't get bored of this story. I have planned things out already.:) Haha I'm still working on Chapter 4. I'll update as soon as I can. xx

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