8. Busy

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Ahhh I can't wait to finish this story. Sorry if it's turning into a pile of crap. It's because I really need to rush this so I can start my new book. That's how I work ya know... :D xx


So I'm going to fast forward after what happened at Pizza Hut and the train station. Chase and I are still together. It's been a 2 months and a couple of days. My parents don't know yet but my friends do. I still don't know how to tell them. Chase' parents seem cool with how things are going on with their son's life. Him and I celebrated our first month at his', we just watched a couple of movies, played on his xbox and cuddled. We didn't really celebrate our second month because he was too busy but after a week, we went shopping together. It's quite fun to shop with him because he gives honest opinions. Well, after that, I haven't seen much of him. It's really hard that he lives in a different town and he's all busy with Teen Stars. His family visited Mr. Green's but he didn't come with them because he was busy with all the Teen Stars thing. Ughhh. Stupid Teen Stars.

It's almost summer. 2 more weeks left. Chase promised to spend most of his time with me so he better do. Haha! I mean, I understand Teen Stars is important to him and everything but he's becoming more and more important to me. I don't know. I'm starting like him more and more and maybe love? I'm not sure yet. I don't even know what love means. I don't want to just toss the word around like it doesn't mean anything so I rarely use it. Chase and I rarely say "I love you" to each other. He's said it to me once or twice and it felt really great to hear those words from him but I don't want him to just toss it around all the time.

I rang Chase. "Chase!"

"Hi Sweetie" he greeted. I like it when he calls me sweetie, I don't think I would like it if he calls me something like hottie or baby. Sweetie sounds more innocent.

"What are you up to?" I said.

"Well, I'm on my way to the studio."

"I don't get it. Why do they need you at the studio the program hasn't even started yet?" I complained.

"Well, they said they need us to get to know everyone and they're going to show it on TV when the show starts so there's more to show people." he explained.

I breathed deeply, "Well I guess you're busy today then."

"Tell me about it! I'm busy the whole week."

I didn't say anything but I let out a sigh.

"I'm really sorry, Hat. I'd rather spend everyday with you than Teen Stars but I can't really do anything about it, can I?" Yeah you can, ditch Teen Stars! Well, that's a bit selfish of me but I want Chase all to myself. It's really hard that there's Teen Stars going on between us. Ughhhh.

Beth rang and said she wants to hang around with me and the girls. Finally, someone who's not busy! We went shopping and had coffee at Starbucks. I showed them a couple of pictures of Chase and I. They really want to meet him but he's been busy lately.

"He's cute. You're so cute together!" Deanna said.

"I know right! We really need to meet Chase!" Beth added.

"You guys really want to meet him?" I checked.

"Heck yeah!" Michelle said.

"Yeah you should ask him to come over and hang with us now." Tori suggested.

"Impossible! He's doing Teen Stars sh*t." I said.

"Aw, it's okay. Maybe he can come next time." Alex comforted.

"Well maybe next time." I said dully.

Today's the first time we've hung out properly in ages! We tried on clothes and took pictures like how we used to do all the time. I bought a new top and a new pair of shoes. It was a great day I've almost forgotten how sad I felt that Chase is all busy with Teen Stars. I really want to see him soon. I bet he's going to be soooo busy in the summer that he's not even going to live up to what he said before that he's going to spent his summer with me. Oh well, I'm so clingy. I seriously need to give him space. Even though I haven't seen much of him for a couple of days. Ughhhhhh. I'm so desperate. To make everything worse, Michelle's boyfriend turned up and they were all sweet to each other constantly kissing in front of us. Get a room! Haha! Michelle and her boyfriend Kenneth looks really cute together. They've been going out for a year and a half now and it's amazing how sweet and cute they still are together.

"Baby, are you coming over after this?" Michelle said to Kenneth.

"Yeah and I'll see you tomorrow too." Kenneth said in a very excited tone.

Oh they're so lucky to see each other almost everyday. Kenneth lives in the same town so it's easier and he doesn't have to deal with stupid Teen Stars. Michelle and Kenneth don't go to the same school but they still see each other almost everyday because Kenneth walks Michelle to school. How I wish Chase could walk me to school. Hah! The day went well with the girls. Oh how I've missed hanging around with them. They've all been busy with school and looking for part time jobs. Beth already has one so she's busy with hers.

Another week have gone and still no Chase. Well, it's okay because I've been busy finishing up all my coursework and other stuff for the next school year. One more week left and it's the summer. Chase and I didn't see each other for our third month but that's okay, he was busy and I was too. I seriously miss him.


Belive me! I tried to make this longer but well, I just can't. Gahhh I'm so crap! But anyway it's almost finished. Summer's coming soon and well I've plan stufffffff so it finishes soon! xx

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