Chapter Seven- First Day Of Hell

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First day of school

 There I sat outside Prescott high for the first time. This was going to be one of many.

 “You guys ready for this?” Seth asked from the front seat.

 Cole, Alex, Taylor, and I were crammed in the back seat and I didn’t care where I was I wanted out of this car.

 “Maybe,” The four of us said at the same time.

 Then there was an awkward silence or at least I thought it was. Cole, Alex, Taylor, and I all piled out of the car just as the warning bell rang. Great, first day of school and we were going to be late. Seth hollowed good-bye as the four of us made our way into the school and right to the office. When we got there we were greeted by a mildly chubby man and a skinny clipboard holding girl.

 “Welcome to Prescott high. My name is Principal Gibbs and this is my assistant Victoria. We are glad to have new students here. It’s been a while.” The Principal said. “You must be Lexie, Taylor, Alex and Cole. Might I ask where did you go to school before?”

The three of us looked at each other, not knowing which answer him. I decided it was my right as leader to answer for the group.

“We all went to Prescott middle school and we were all home schooled last year.” I tried not to sound as anxious as I felt.

“Well Prescott high is full of great opportunities. We have all the best technology and the finest sport’s teams in all of Arizona,” He said winking. “We will let you guys take the first period to get a tour of the school and then you can all head to your next classes. Does that sound like fun?”

We all just stood there and smiled. Victoria took us for a tour of the school and finished just as the first period ended. She gave all of us all a slip of paper with our classes on it and told us where our lockers were. Cole and I were beside each other and Alex and Taylor are down the hall.

The hallways became overly crowded as Cole and I pushed our ways through the people. By the time we made it to our lockers the hallways had thinned almost completely. I hurried to get my locker opened but it wouldn’t budge. 12-38-06. 12-38-06. I always hated locks.

“You need some help?” a familiar voice said.

At first I thought it might have been Cole but when I turned it was Seth.

“Seth what the heck are you doing here?” I practically yelled. When I realized people were looking I lowered my voice. “You’re supposed to be with Bentley.”

“You forgot your lunch at home. I thought I would bring it to you,” He held up a brown paper bag.

“Well thank you Seth. Quick question, how did u get here?” Before he could answer he began to shake. “Why now Seth?”

Suddenly Cole was right next to me.

“Is he going to…?” He didn’t finish but I knew what he meant.

I nodded

“We have to get him out of here,” he said in almost a whisper. I had to strain to hear what he said.

“We can take him to the gym. It should be empty right now.”

I grabbed Seth’s arm and Cole grabbed the other as we dragged him to the gym. I hoped it was empty. As we hauled Seth down the hall we were given some odd looks. I could only hear small bits of what people were say but I heard enough to know that we were now the out casts of Prescott high.

“What’s with that kid?”

“He’s cute but a weirdo.”

“Those people are such freaks.”

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