Chapter Two-a rude awakening

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I waited outside the house in the hot June weather for everyone to show up. Seth came first. His dad pulled up in his silver truck and stopped a few feet away. Then Seth stepped out of the truck, yelling bye to his dad. As soon as Seth turned to look at me, he ran as fast a he could and swepted me up in a bear hug.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so glad you’re ok. Is this where you’re staying? This place is huge.”

“Seth. I Can’t. Breath.” I said between gasps for air.

“Oh sorry.” When he pulled back I saw that he only had one paw print on his neck. “So do I get a kiss for still being?” he said with a sly grin.

“I have to wait for everyone else to show up but I’m sure Bentley wouldn’t mind showing you around. You might get to see more than I have.” I gave him the same grin.

A few minutes after Seth went inside Cole, Alex and Taylor came in Taylor’s brother, Noah’s, jeep. They reacted just like Seth and nearly knocked me over. When we went inside Bentley was talking to Seth by one of the giant monitor. Bentley looked up to see that we were all here.

“Lexie has told me about what happened one her birthday and this isn’t the first time this has happened to someone.” Pain flickered through his eye then vanished as he continued. “Since the attack in 96’ parents have been trying to protect their children from what’s in these woods. When this started more and more wolves began to show up then vanish because people thought once someone was “infected” that person would attack others in the household while they slept. When this started I began to do research on myths and phenomenon and found that people have been being bit for centuries.  It also said that If an “infected” wolf bites a human, their genetic material  begins to change and your body will change from human to wolf. Once you begin to change you go unconscious because your body has not adapted to the wolf DNA. After Eight or nine changes you will change from wolf to human with ease or, your body will reject the change and you will die. But from I’ve never seen this happen. Plus whoever has the most paw prints they become pack leader. From the looks of it, that would be you Lexie.”

 “Wait, Me? Pack leader? Why me?”

“The other ‘infected’ wolves all have a special spot to tell who’s in what pack. The more spots you have it says that you’re the leader. The leader is also different color than the rest of the pack like the brown wolf among the black and grey wolves.”

Well that’s just great. I’m the leader of a pack of wolves; I’ve never had to be a leader before. That was always Cole. My life is like a frigging roller coaster. First my parents leave me. Then a nice stranger takes me in. Now I’m the leader of four other wolves. My life couldn’t get any worse from here. Plus I have a 1 out of 6 chance that I could die.

“Lexie? LEXIE!!!!!” Cole yelled while punching me in the arm.

“OW!!! What?”

You need to take us to the kitchen so we can call our parents.”


“Because we have to call our parents. Weren’t you listening???” he said with a frustrated look.

“Sorry” We all got up and headed down one of the long hallways. On our way to the kitchen Seth asked if they could see where I was staying. So I showed them my room with the bed. When we made it to the kitchen mine and Bentley’s dishes were still sitting on the table. So as everyone called their parents I put the dishes in the sink and started to wash them, then right as I turned off the water…… I passed out.


I woke up to the sound of someone pounding on glass. When I opened my eye I was staring through glass. I tried to get up but was strapped down. I tilted my head to where the pounding came from. It was Seth trying to get my attention. I tried to get up but I strapped down. You can’t imagine how creepy this is. Even with Seth outside the glass it is extremely weird. Bentley said something to Seth but I couldn’t hear them, then he opened the door and stood beside me.

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