Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

-Third Person POV-

Cesaro stood leaning against his rental waiting outside the airport. Since John wasn't going to stay in the hotel he came to pick her up. But it was a surprise for her. John could tell his sister is growing close to the Swiss and is trying to help her out a bit as well as Chrissy. She wants nothing more for her mother to be happy with a man.


"Mom I'm going with uncle John. I'll meet you at the arena." Chrissy told her mother. Jess has to admit she was taken back by that. Chrissy always went with her.

"Wait I thought we were going all together."

"I'm going to go see Nikki and this one wants to go see Brie. But I got you a ride don't worry. It's right outside. Come on Chris. Say bye to your mom."

Chrissy went up to her mother who bent down to hug her daughter properly.

"Trust me you are going to like your ride." Chrissy whispered and winked at her mother and then followed her uncle. Jess huffed and grabbed her things and started to make her way out of the airport she looked around trying to see if there was anyone with her name or anything but nothing. But then something caught her eye. A shiny black car with a certain Swiss superman leaning against it. She smiled and started making her way to him. He was so indulged into his phone he didn't realize the beautiful brunette walking toward him. Once he saw a pair of heels stop in front of him he looked all the way up and saw it was the woman he missed so much during the 5 days she was away. He shoved his phone into his pocket and grabbed the woman and spun her around.

"Someone's happy to see me." Jess smiled. All Cesaro could do was nod.


"Look at your man go Jess!" Naomi exclaimed as the diva's watched the match.

"He's not my man." The woman blushed.

"Well you have to admit you do feel something for him." Nikki nudged her close friend.

"Yeah mom it's obvious!" Exclaimed the 10 year old. Jess' head snapped over to her daughter who had a smirk on her face.

"Okay no more hanging out with Ambrose young lady." Jess joked. All the women laughed. They looked back at the match and Cesaro and Randy had won. All the girls then looked back at Jess who had a huge smile on her face.


"So what did you think of the match?" Cesaro asked Jess who was currently sitting on a crate watching Roman Reigns' match and listening to her good friend on commentary.

"It was awesome. Congrats by the way." She smiled at him.

"Thank you." He smiled in return.


Cesaro and Jess sat at a table in catering with Ziggler and Lana.

"Lana that was amazing!" Jess told the blonde sitting in front of her. They continued to talk about the segment and Summerslam which is coming up Sunday.

"JESS!" The sudden yell made the woman jump. She turned and saw her brother standing about a few feet away from her with a smile on his face.

"Go get dressed! You are coming with me to the signing!"

"I guess I will see you after." She whispered to Cesaro who nodded. She kissed his cheek and followed behind her brother who kept giving her a goofy grin.


Jess stood with her brother listen to the two toned jackass go on and on and on about God knows what. She had to admit she zoned him out pretty much entirely. Until John tugged on her arm meaning they had to go out there.

"Oh look at this guys. Brother and sister together and matching!" Byron exclaimed as the Cena siblings came out.

Jess stood back listening but eyeing the man across from her brother ready to pounce if he tried a thing. She laughed as her brother made remarks to Rollins.

"And this Sunday when you lose, you lose. Because the all-time Championship record is held by your mentor, who passed his legacy to you. Ric Flair. This Sunday I'm gonna prove you wrong. You're not the Future, you're a footnote. You're the answer to a trivia question, all you're gonna be is, 'Who did John Cena beat to become the 16th time WHC?" It's starting to sink in, isn't it? This Sunday you fight to protect everything, the past, the present, and the future of this man's legacy, bestowed on him by Flair and he's trying to bestow it upon you. There is one major difference here, Triple H was never Ric Flair's bitch. This Sunday, I'm gonna make you mine!" John signed the contract and he and Jess exited the ring.

"Oh, oh yeah Cena! Well when I beat you. Your little sister there is gonna be my bitch! Just watch."

Jess and John locked eyes. But before anyone could move an inch Jess slid into the ring and jumped right over the table attacking Rollins. She slapped, punched, scratched, and whatever else she could to him. But no one stopped her. Stephanie and Hunter just watched the female take it to Rollins. But once the tables turned and he flipped them over and the man was about to hit the woman Hunter stepped in right away. But he was a little late he got one hit in. But hunter grabbed the champion's arm and pulled him up glaring right at him. Jess took that as a chance to roll out of the ring. She stood in front of the announce table looking right at the champ. She put her hand up to her lip and wiped the little bit of blood that was there and smirked right back at the man. She grabbed a mic and raised it up to her lips.

"Who's my bitch now Rollins!" She yelled at him.

"This girl just disrespected the champion!" JBL exclaimed. Jess heard him and turned to him.

"Yes. Yes I did. You want some too Layfield." She growled who shook his head.


"Jessica!" She turned and saw Roman and Dean running toward her as she walked backstage. She was immediately crushed into a hug by both men.

"That was awesome!" Dean yelled.

"That's my girl." Roman said as he ruffled her hair which made her smack his hand away.

"Watch it Reigns I'm older." She joked. They walked with her to catering where Cesaro still was but now with Chrissy at the table. Once the young girl saw her mom enter she ran to her and hugged her tight then checked her lip making everyone in the room awe. Jess walked over to Cesaro who was standing up and pulled her in for a hug.

"You did amazing J!" He smiled at her. They all sat down at this point.

"Yeah well. I'm no one's bitch so Rollins needed to get that through his head." That made Cesaro chuckle and Chrissy giggle.


By the time it was time to leave the arena Chrissy was knocked out on the couch in one of the rooms. Jess was about to wake her up but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"I got her." Cesaro told her. He picked up Chrissy carefully.

"What about our bags?" Jess asked not seeing them.

"In the car already." She nodded and grabbed her purse and followed him to the car. He placed Chrissy carefully in. Jess put the seatbelt on her daughter and then but her blanket over her. She kissed her head and then shut the door. She got into the passenger seat. As Antonio was driving Jess grabbed his free hand and they smiled at each other.

This feels right. I just hope James thinks I'm making the right choice....


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