Chapter 21

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Jess and Colby had the following two weeks off pretty much. Just doing various house shows and appearances. Ever since the kiss on live TV not only the WWE Universe was shocked and wondering about it so were the non wrestling fans. Jess was pretty well known since she did a few movies in the past and TV shows also. Her and Colby had kept their relationship under the radar for as long as they could but they knew once the kiss happened they were going to have to come out about it. But they had no issue with it they talked it over with creative before hand of course and had everything planned out.

But since they had so much time off they decided to take Chrissy to Disney for a week and she absolutely enjoyed it. She would pull Colby when she saw a character she loved and all Jess could do was laugh and follow. Jess thought Chrissy was driving the man insane but she was wrong. He had never had so much fun at Disney before and with a 10 year for the matter. They took pictures, rode the rides, got autographs, and so many shows some multiple times. But soon it was time to go back home because the couple had to go back to work. But now Chrissy was on summer break from school so now she could go with Jess on the road.

"What are you doing today on Raw momma?" Asked her daughter. 

"Well Colby, Uncle Joe, and I will be on uncle Jon's show tonight" she answered. 

"A SHIELD REUNION!!! YES!" The ten year old started jumping up and down excited also while doing a little dance.

"And why is this little one so excited." They mother and daughter turned around seeing a certain blue eyed man with long brown hair. 

"Well if it isn't Little Miss Cena and her little clone" chuckled the man.

"Ha ha very funny Allen" jess stated sarcastically.

"Hey uncle AJ" Waved Chrissy and went to give the man a hug.

"So why is she all excited huh?" He was still curious. Jess looked down at her daughter who smiled brightly at her and then back at AJ.


"I think we just found out number one fan boys." Chrissy gasped and turned when she heard Colby's voice. She ran to him and jumped in his arms.

"I'll see ya around Jessie." AJ told her and kissed her head and walked away. The little kiss did not go unnoticed by Colby. Chrissy noticed and looked at him.

"Colby he sees mommy like a sister and he's married to Auntie Wendy no need to be jealous." She giggled.

"You notice everything don't you princess." He chuckled. She just nodded and smiled.


Colby, Joe, and Jess were back behind the curtain watching Jon in the ring. He was getting the crowd ready for his three guests. As he was doing his opening he asked various questions to the crowd.

"Who's better Roman or Seth? But more importantly how did Seth manage to get the Golden Girl?" the crowd laughed and so did the three watching backstage.

"I welcome my guest if firsts. The scum of the Earth Seth Rollins." Colby kissed Jess on her head and made his way out to the ring.


"Of course the WWE World Heavy Weight Champion.. Roman Reigns." The crowd started to boo as he made his way into the ring.

"And finally the most Beautiful Superstar there is. Jessica Cena." The crowd goes crazy as the brunette comes down and slides into the ring.

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