Chapter 24

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Jess was walking through the Air Canada Center talking on the phone with Chrissy who was beyond excited that her mom finally got back in the ring.

"Mom! The kids at school would not stop talking about you! It was awesome! They all kept asking me questions and telling me how lucky I am to have you as my mom. Even though I already know that." Jess chuckled at her daughter's excitement and was happy she was proud of her.

"Why thank you baby. But, I think I'm the one lucky to have you as daughter."

"Aw mom! So, what is the plan tonight do you know?" Her daughter asked curious.

"Don't know exactly yet but I know it will have something to do with Charlotte and probably the rest of the girls from my team yesterday. Who knows. I Just want to kick some more butt. Anyways baby I'm going to go get ready. I will talk to you late if not tomorrow. Be good. I love you."

"I love you to mom. I will be good. Tell Colby I said Hi and that I love him also! Bye mom!" Chrissy hung up on her mother before she even had a chance to react to what she had just said. She just shook her head and continued to find the women's locker room. When she did she walked inside as she did all the women froze and stared at her. She rolled her eyes and put her stuff down. She missed her friends. Don't get her wrong the girls from NXT were great but her being Cena's sister she got closer to the older talent and they were mostly on Smackdown.

Jess quickly got dressed and picked her bag up and walked out. She really didn't want to deal with the pettiness of the other girls. They used to be close but ever since they moved her up they all seemed to have a problem with her now. But she put all that in the back of her head and decided to look for Colby or Joe. But as she turned the corner she ran straight into someone knocking her down. When she looked up it was the same exact person she literally ran into before she left.

"You're back. I thought you wouldn't come back." He whispered causing her to roll her eyes.

"Yeah I'm back now if you excuse me I have to go find my boyfriend."

"Congrats on the win yesterday you did great."

"Ha. Thanks, you too. Oh, and I know I did great I'm a Cena what do you expect." She flipped her hair and with that she walked away. She wasn't usually that cocky, but she really was not in the mood to deal with him.

"I really need to start paying attention to the people I'm running into man." She mumbled to herself. She finally found Colby who was talking to Joe. With his back to her she decided to have a little fun. With her filming she learned a thing or two in accents and seemed to almost perfect a Spanish one. She snuck up behind him put her arms around his waist.

"Hola papi." She whispered in his ear causing him to jump and turn around. But when he realized it was Jess he started to laugh.

"Babe you can't do that. I really thought it was some Spanish girl and thought you would walk in to rip her head off." He laughed.

"Just using what I learned while filming. But anyways can you put my bag with one of your guys' because those women are annoying. As soon as I walked in they all stopped talking and just stared at me until I was back out the door again. Man, I miss my friends." She sighed out.

"It's okay baby girl. We put our stuff together anyway. Just give it to me and I will go put it away. You stay with your man. I'll be back." Joe kissed her forehead and walked out with her bag.

"So, I spoke to Chrissy and she says hi. Oh, and that she loves you." She told Colby looking at him.

"Well I am glad she loves me because I love her too." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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