Chapter 23

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2 months later

Jess has been busy with filming nonstop for the past 2 months. She had to admit she was having fun filming but she missed the ring. Her and Colby have been going strong still. She had days off due to her not being needed for filming so she got to go visit him and they both enjoyed it. And Chrissy even got a part in the movie and was enjoying it. But filming was going to take longer than planned due to adding new scenes. Jess was bummed. That meant more time away from WWE and away from Colby. Don't get her wrong she needed the break but it's been long enough but she needs to just suck it up.


3 months later

"Mom! You're home!! That means you can go back to WWE, right?"

About two and a half months into filming Chrissy had to leave because school was starting soon and Jess was given a week and a half off to get her settled.

"Yes, baby girl. Where is Aunt Nikki" She asked her daughter. Then came a voice from behind her startling her but making her daughter smile.

"I sent her home she wanted to spend time with John."

"Colby!" Jess beamed turning around wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You made it just in time for dinner. Let's go sit."


All three sat around the small table in the kitchen talking.

"So, momma. When are you going back?"

"I don't know baby girl. I have a meeting at the Performance Center tomorrow to discuss it with Hunter"

"OOH! But do you know what show you will be on?" Boy was her daughter curious but she does get it from her mother.

"No idea but I think Raw. Because they want to keep me and your uncle John split up so each show has a Cena. Which makes no sense to me but its what they want."

The rest of the night they spent it watching movies until it was time for Chrissy to go to bed but Colby and Jess stayed up talking. They sat outside on the deck each drinking a cup of coffee.

"I'm so glad to be back. I want no more interruptions no more other arrangements I just want to focus on WWE and making history." Jess sighed resting her head on the chair.

"So am I. Its going to be nice having you on the road again that is if you are on Raw."

"I might be. I don't think it would be best for business to have my brother and I on the same show."

"That is true. Now are you ready to get right back in the ring?"

"I'm beyond ready. But my return isn't going to be a match. At least that is what they are thinking but you know they can never make up their mind."

"Well we will just have to wait and see."

"I guess we will...."


November 20, 2016

"Breaking news. Alicia Fox will not be able to compete in the women's Smackdown vs. Raw match." Renee Young announced on the Survivor Series pre-show. Jess looked at Colby wide eyed. She knew what that meant. She was going to have to replace Alicia in the match or so she hoped. Soon they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Jess opened it and there stood Stephanie.

"It's time." Was all she said to Jess and smiled and walked away. She closed the door and smiled at Colby. He smirked at her and kissed her on the head. He had that feeling that it was her time to shine tonight.

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