Chapter 11 - Not Over Yet

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Natalie looks from the kitchen.

"Oh no. Slumber party's not over yet." Olivia said in a stern voice.

Mia turns to Olivia. "Yep, we haven't played 'Fuck, Marry, Kill.' Right?"

"Mia please..."

"There's something fucked up with this place! You guys all know it. You're just not telling me."

David emerges from the basement. "What is it, Mia?"

Mia breaks down in tears. "I'm the one who decided to come here. It was my idea. So I'm the one who says when it's over. And I'm telling you, it's over."

Eric shows up from the hallway.

Olivia gives a stone cold look to David. He looks back at her.

"I will go on with this, but at home. Just not here. Deal? Let's load up the car please."

Olivia swallows and quietly speaks up. "Mia, we're not taking you back."

Mia freezes. "What?"

There's a profound silence in the room.

Eric speaks up. "We've decided we're not driving you home. You're gonna have to stick this out so we don't almost lose you again."

Mia laughs and keeps packing her things. "David, take me home. I'll pay for fas when we get there."

David doesn't say a word.

Mia talks through her gritted teeth. "Come on, David. We'll have a road trip back to Flint, like when we were kids!" She sounds totally manic.

"I'm sorry, Mia. But maybe they're right. It's only til tomorrow."

"You're supposed to be here to support ME, not them!"

"I am... that's why I--"

"GOD! I'm so stupid. To think that for once in my fucking life I could count on you!" She takes the necklace from her pocket, yanks it and throws it at David. Dozens of beads scatter on the floor.

Olivia takes a step toward the direction Mia is in. "Mia, we're all just trying to help you!"

"Yeah, well, FUCK YOU VERY MUCH!" Mia grabs her backpack, quickly sticks something in her pocket, and heads toward her room. Natalie goes to follow, but Olivia stops her.

"Leave her alone." Olivia warns Natalie.

David crouches down and starts gathering beads from the floor.

Natalie kneels in front of him. "You did the right thing."

He looks at her for a moment. He's not so sure now.

Eric stares at the desk where Mia's backpack was. It takes them a second to realize what's going on. "Where are my car keys?"

Olivia looks around. "Oh, no, no, no."


She opens the door to Mia's room, only to discover that the window is wide open and Mia's gone.

Then, she hears the RUMBLE OF A CAR ENGINE outside.

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