Chapter 11 - About Nixon

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"C'mon, Sorren. It's right over here." Nixon says, walking in front of me through the trees.

"Where the hell are you taking me, Blue?" I grumble. I try to move a branch out of my way, but I end up slapping myself in the face with it. I huff with anger and keep moving forward, cursing nature in my head.

"I'm taking you to my spot." I can hear a smile in his deep, velvety voice.

"Oh, like always, all bad boys have 'spots'. Typical." I say, finally catching up to Nixon.

He turns around, narrowing his eyes at me. "Are you calling me a cliche'?"

I give him a smug smile. "I didn't say a damn word."

He chuckles. "Such language for a teacher."

I let out a short laugh and push him lightly. He starts walking again and I follow behind him silently. I still don't really see how Nixon is labeled a 'bad boy', he is the sweetest guy I've met in a while.

Nixon enters a clearing and there stood a small cabin. I could hear cheering and screaming coming from somewhere behind the house.

My eyebrows scrunch together. "What?"

Nixon looks back at me. "It's what's in the backyard that makes this place." He takes my wrist and starts dragging me to the back of the cabin. The screams and cheers getting louder and louder. When we finally got to the back a crowd of people were standing around a ring and there in the middle were two people having a rap battle.

I burst out laughing. "This is your special spot?"

Nixon smiles and let out a deep chuckle. "It's fun, don't judge me."

"I'm judging hard core." I let out another laugh and start walking towards the group to start hearing the rap battle better.

It was full of insults about the other guys and how their rap game was lame, stuff like that. Rap isn't my thing, but all around it was a fun time. It was nice not having to worry about anything and just go out to have fun, watching something absolutely ridiculous. Nixon made is a lot more fun too, just by being himself and getting so into the battle. He was cheering louder than anyone there.

The battle went on for a while longer, different opponents challenging each other with new material. Some of these people were really talented.

I was bobbing my head to the music when Nixon grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the large group of people and started leading me back into the woods.

"That was definitely different." I chuckle, wrapping my arms around myself, the breeze was a bit chilly.

"Here." Nixon slides off his black jacket and drapes it across my shoulders. It was super warm and smelled like him. It smelled like regular laundry detergent soap, but with a mix of musk in there. It was a weird smell, that just grew intoxicating.

"Thank you." I bring the jacket closer to me, without being obvious that I'm smelling it.

"What kind of a gentleman would I be if I didn't give the lady my coat?"

"The worst one ever." I look over at him and notice he's in a short sleeve shirt. "Are you going to be okay? I don't want to take away your warmth."

Nixon laughs. "You're fine, Sorren."

We walk for a while longer. Silence filling the air, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. We were both happy in our own heads. As we were walking, Nixon digs into his jeans pockets and pulls out a cigarette and lighter, lighting it and taking a drag. I can't help but think he looks more attractive. Despite the cancer stick in his mouth.

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