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Girls POV.

You have 3 voicemails from Chris.

"Siri play my voicemails." I said tiredly,

Voicemail one.

"Uh. Hi. Margo." It was Chris's Mom. My stomach instantly dropped, "C-call me back okay?"

Voicemail two.

"Margo. I'm sure you put the puzzle pieces together by now. You're welcomed to come to the house. Please Margo, call me back." Her voice was filled sadness, and grief, it broke my heart,

Voicemail three.

"Margo. Please. Chris...Chris would want you at his funeral. Please call me back."

I lay my head down on the pillow, and glanced at the bottle of pills on my nightstand. Chris. He's dead. He's actually dead. He didn't survive the stupid surgery. He's gone. I choked back a sob, and closed my eyes.

I never asked him to save me, in fact I never asked anyone to save me, but he did. He saved my life. Why would I end something that someone worked so hard to save?

But why would I stay in a place where everyone who actually loved me isn't even here?

Before I die I need you to promise me that you're not going to kill yourself after I'm gone. You can't just kill yourself after something bad happens, Buttercup.

Chris's words swarm around in my head. I grabbed the pills, and gripped onto it tightly,

Buttercup. You're going to have a life after me. You're going to have a husband and kids. Without me. You're going to have a future.

I thought of all the things Chris ever said to me,

The point is, that people out there love you, whether it's now, or in the future. There will be someone out there, it could be a stranger like me, or maybe a family member. So don't kill yourself, Margo! Don't do it.

If I were to kill myself I would be going against everything Chris ever wanted for me. But all I ever wanted was him. Someone who cared for me, and that person was gone. I held the pills tighter, and unscrewed the cap. I looked down at the white pills, trying to decide between the fine line of life and death. As all the memories came back to me, one remained, the first three words Anonymous, Creepy Dude, and Chris has ever said to me,

What's up Buttercup?

~ ~ ~
The end.

This short story is officially over.
:,( So the point of this ending, was, basically I did it for three reasons,

1) the real ending might be in the extended version of this book (I thought of a name already- A Field Full of Buttercups) so look out for that, and start reading it, because you might be able to find out the real ending.

2.) Though many people wanted a sad ending many people wanted a happy ending, so I left the last part to your imagination, so you can decide if Margo dies or not.

3.) I just love teasing you guys with cliffhangers :)

But remember what I said about the new book!

So of course I am so thankful for every single reader, but I decided to do a special dedication, so-

constellation-wars  you've been here since 200 views! So thanks for sticking around!

_silence_is_key_ Wow! You're amazing! You voted for all my chapters, and commented so thanks so much!

Sporty_Reader  Not only have you been here since the beginning, you also helped me with whether or not to do a sad ending! Thank you!

leothelionandfriends  You voted, commented so much! I'm so happy! You're amazing!!! Thank you!

tmntgravityfalls You're so awesome! Literally thanks much for reading my story, voting and commenting!

Littlejaylovesanime thank you so much for reading, and voting! You're so cool, thanks bunches!

Snuffycatz Xoxo, A! Love you bunches! Thanks!

Check out all there books!

If you're not in here, but you voted/commented, you should be in the dedications chapter. But remember I love everyone of you! And thanks for reading!

I will be going through some chapters to edit, but nothing major will change.

Watch out for A Field Full of Buttercups! The spinoff of What's Up Buttercup!


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