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Girl's POV.
I put my head in between my knees, crying silently.

It was my Dad's death anniversary.

I lifted my head,

Suck it up Margo, he never did anything for you, he was a drunk, he abused you.

I interrupted myself,

But he was your Father, Margo.

Did it matter?

~ ~ ~
At school.
"Hey." I turned around, Martha loomed over me, "Isn't today the day you're loser of Dad killed himself?" She smirked, "Maybe you'll be just like him when you grow up." I froze, how did she even know about him? Martha suddenly toppled over, her nose gushing with blood. I looked over my shoulder, a jock had his fist clenched, he was the only other person in the hall,

"Thanks." I whispered, who was this guy? Christopher? No. Caleb? No. Chris...? Yes, Chris!He's in my homeroom. Chris smiled at me,

"Sure." I frowned a bit,

"You know you're not technically supposed to hit girls." He rolled his eyes,

"You're technically not supposed make fun of a dead father, but she did anyways." I smiled a little,

"Thanks...Chris?" He shrugged, and stuffed his hands in his jacket,

"Chris!" The principal came running up to us, "Did you do this?" He opened his mouth, I shook my head quickly,

"I did," Chris looked at me in surprise, "I did." I said more confidently.


If you've been paying attention you'll know who this Chris guy is ;)

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