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Might want a tissue box for the next few chapters :))
Up there is a quote and Nightingale by Demi Lovato.

Anyone want a sneak peak on what's going to happen next?

"Ms. Adams? Will you come out to the hall with me?" I snapped my head up, an instinct when my name is called. I followed her out, and looked behind me, Chris was staring at me, worry written clearly on his face.

"Margo." Ms. Levi said, closing the classroom door, "Your brother is in the military, correct?" My heart instantly dropped to my shoes,

"C-correct." I stuttered. She handed me a piece of paper,

To Margo Elizabeth Adams, sister of, Jacob Thomas Adams.

We regret to inform you that Jacob Thomas Adams has passed due to a jeep accident...

Then blah blah blah, information on his death and his funeral, but I wasn't reading anymore, it was all a blur, my brother was the closest family member I had. And now he was gone. Gone. The last time I saw him was a year ago when he surprised me on my 17th birthday.

My eyes filled with tears, why did the school have to do this now? Why didn't my Granny tell me? Or maybe for once my mother would actually come tell me about a family members death. She did this with my Dad and now she's doing it with my brother, she's probably waist-deep in vodka by now, she just doesn't care. No one truly cares.

If no one cares about me, if no one loves me, why am I here then? The only person who truly cared about me is dead, so why not be with him?

I want to be with Jacob.

Oh, God let me be with Jacob.

What's up, Buttercup?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat