Eight - Ice Cream

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We'd found a nice ice cream store not too far away from where Matt lived. Due to the fact that it was the middle of summer, me and Matt were both exhausted and overheating by the time we made our way there. Sitting down, we had immediately ordered the largest ice creams we could afford before settling back into comfortable conversation.

Matt was telling me about a movie he had watched over the weekend, and I discovered that he had never seen Kill Bill. I promised him I would show him it one day before my phone beeped, alerting me that I had a new message.

Josh: You doing anything? I'm bored as hell. It's the cutie from across the road, BTW xx ;P

I rolled my eyes. How had I not checked to see whether this douchebag had put his number in my phone? Worse, he'd taken the liberty of obtaining my number himself.

You: dick move, Ramsay. putting your number in my phone, AND calling yourself a cutie? where are the breaks on this train.

Josh: doesn't answer my question!!! i need to get out of this house

You: if you must know, i'm busy eating ice cream with my friend.

Josh: friend in the singular. how old?

You: 13, does it really matter?

Josh: you're my age, right? thats good, no chance of you being stolen from me just yet ;P

You: who said i was ever yours in the first place, Ramsay?

Josh: you're at Fruitbowl. I'll be there in 10.

You: how on earth do you know where I am

Josh: you left the location settings turned on on your phone. see you in a second!!! xD

I rolled my eyes at his immaturity, before informing Matt that we would most likely soon have an uninvited visitor at our table.

"As long as he doesn't eat my ice cream" he laughed, digging into his mountain of mint chocolate chip.

September. (A Josh Ramsay Fic)Where stories live. Discover now