Chapter Sixteen

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Edward’s P.O.V.

When the moonlight fell in through the window, I carefully got up so that I wouldn’t wake Bea.

As I watched Bea’s peaceful, trusting sleep, I almost laid down beside her again. How could I deceive her so? Her, my sweet Bea?

I frowned and thought of Ivy’s expression last night when she had almost begged me to see me again. "I need your help, Edward - Please, meet me again tomorrow."

Looking into her beautiful eyes, I had immediately agreed.

I turned around and left the room. Bea was a sound sleeper, she wouldn’t wake before early noon, and I would be back until then.

Beatrice’s P.O.V.

I awoke in the middle of the night from the tree battering against the window pane. A storm.

I groaned and turned to the other side, burying my face in my pillow - and noticed that Edward wasn’t there.

"Edward?" I called out into the darkness.

No reply.

Then the black hole opened again, and I sank into an ocean of anger, disappointment and pain.

Edward’s P.O.V.

"I thank you for your assistance in these hard times, Edward." Ivy’s voice was husky. "I believe I know now everything there is to know... but I would still like to see you."

I smiled at her, rejoicing in her beauty, in her strength, her elegance... "Would Monday night suit you?"

Beatrice’s P.O.V.

I stayed awake for the rest of the night. I wasn’t worried any longer, I was wounded deeply and disappointed.

At dawn, I heard the soft klick of the entrance door falling into its lock. I didn’t as much as stir, let alone get up.

Edward didn’t come back into my room, but instead, some time later, the smell of food wavered through the house. Deciding I had waited long enough, I rose and walked down into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Bea."

Wordlessly I sat down at the table, remaining silent for another two minutes, causing Edward to frown at me. Eventually, I rose my eyes to meet his. "What kept you this time, Edward?"


"Where were you last night?" I snapped. "You promised to stay with me."

"I needed to hunt again, Bea. Your scent was too overwhelming." It didn’t escape my notice that Edward avoided my gaze.

"Then why aren’t your eyes any brighter?"

Edward stayed silent. I flared up.

"Is it because I was a prostitute? Is it because of that that you think you, or men in general, can just do to me whatever they want, since I won’t feel any pain or alike?! Because I’m just a worthless whore that doesn’t feel anything, has no emotions, cares about nothing?"

"Bea..." He started slowly, calmly. That’s when I realized I was righter with my suspicion than I had feared. If everything would be alright, then Edward would yell right back at me, asking me how I could accuse him of such things. But he was calm.

"TELL ME!" I screamed, almost hysterically. "Is that it? I’m not worthy of keeping promises to, after all, there’s nothing honourable about me. So why treat me any different than how I am?" I swallowed, and it tasted bitter. I continued more quietly, and never before had so much hurt lain in my voice. "Guess what, Edward: Even whores have feelings. And if you could feel the pain I’m feeling right now, even your undead heart would break." 

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