As close as strangers - Ashton

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Great you were late. This would not go down well. Work had started 10 minuets ago and you were still not their thanks to the stupid bus. The things were never on time. You sped down the street on your stake board. Even on that thing you wouldn't be there for another 15 minutes. Looks like your getting fired. "Shit," you muttered to yourself as you double checked the time. You turned the corner at an intense speed thanks to the help of a lamppost. You smiled to yourself; it look like it was gonna be 12. Suddenly, you were beelining for a crowd of people. You jeered to the right to try and avoid them but instead went smack bang into a guy. His four fresh coffees were pebble dashed over the two of you. Realising the soft thing between you and the pavement was the guy you opened you eyes and stood up. Lending a hand to the guy to realised you knew him. He was your best friend (well before he became famous and never visited.) It was Ashton. Ashton Irwin. "Ash!" You exclaimed. "I'm so sorry!" You add. "Y/N! Wow, it's been...well, far too long," he said taking you hand to pull himself upwards. He stood with the same old messy brown hair and goofy smile as always. The only difference being he was dowsed in coffee. "I'm so sorry," you repeated. "Don't worry about it it was much my fault as yours. You're not hurt are you?" He asked. There was the old Ash always concerned about you. "No I'm fine. Don't worry. How's my big shot Mr Irwin? " you say. You were completely spun out after not seeing Ashton in real life for ages and then just casually running into him. I mean you saw him on TV more than three times a day but not in person. "You haven't been getting any of my texts have you?" He asked. You looked at him puzzled. Ashton hadn't tried to contact you since he'd left. "I thought you were ignoring me," he said rather relieved. "I've been texting you for months and you haven't replied once," he added. "Oh, I accidentally kinda when in the sea with my phone. You know they don't do well in vast quantities of water," you laughed. "You know Y/N you never fail to amaze me," he laughed. "My place is just around the corner if you want to get cleaned up?" He added. "Yeah. That would be lovely," you smiled at him before picking up your skateboard and following him. After about a three minute walk you reached Ashton's apartment. He opened the sparkling door into a vast room. Everything from the decor to the placement of the TV remote was thought out. "Bloody hell," is all you could muster making Ash laugh. "Chuck me your wet clothes and I'll put them in the wash," he said unbuttoning his shirt. It's not like he hadn't seen you in a bikini before. You thought to yourself before pulling off your now brown shirt and jeans. You threw them at the head of the semi naked Ash. "Oi," he shouted at you. You chuckled to yourself at him. As he turned around you realised how attracted you still were to him. You and Ash had a thing before he went away. Not a big thing but still a thing. You'd broken it of so he could carry on with what he wanted to do. You thought he hadn't bother to contact you because he was angry at you. "Irwin's been working out," you saw raising an eye at him. "I thought gyms were where 'fun perishes slowly in a pool of sweat'," you said directly quoting him. "Typical Y/N you only want me for my body," he joked placing his jeans in the pile of both of your clothes. "I since then found out that women like a guy that works out," he added laughing. "Oh," you sniggered. "Typical Ash, always doing things to get females attention. Tell me how many have turned you down?" You asked walking over to him. "None, thank you. Your faith in me never fail to uplift my spirits," he said sarcastically. "They all thing drummers are hot," he smirked. "In your case I think they may be delusional," you joked at him smirking. "I remember you thinking it was hot when you made out with me that one time after a gig," he said matter-of-fact-Ly. "If I recall you kiss me," you chuckled. "In your dreams Y/N. You were mesmerised by my sex-appeal," he said throwing the clothes into what you assumed to be the laundry room. "Actually I was mesmerised by your ability to make hot chocolate," you smirked hinting to him. "You know you're really subtle," he said. "So, I've been told," you reply following him into the kitchen. "You know I'm really glad I ran into you," you say admiring his perky bum. "Hey, eyes up here," he said from in front of you. "I'm glad I ran into you too," he admitted in his husky tone of voice.

Part 2?

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