He meets your parents

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Dedicated to Emma/twitter: @brbfxckinghoran

Ashton: "hey mum dad this is Ashton" you say casually walking into the kitchen. You and Ashton were going to the movies. "Hey Ashton" dad said. "Hello, you have a lovely home" Ashton said politely. "Why thank you" mum said. "Were just going to the movies" you say. "Are you guys gonna be home for tea, we would love to get to know you more Ashton" your mum said. "That would be lovely if it isn't too much trouble" Ashton said hugging your waist. “Not at all" you mum says again.

Calum: you walk into the kitchen to get you and Calum some drinks. "I heard you have a boy in your room" you dad says. "Um yeah" you say awkwardly opening the fridge. "So are you gonna introduce me to him?" Your dad says. "Yeah I'll call him now" your dad hadn’t like you having guy friends much let alone boyfriends. "Cal, babe come down here for a sec!" You call up the stairs. Calum comes running down seconds later. "Calum this is dad, dad this is Calum" you say as they both shake hands. "So what do you do Calum?" Your dad says already beginning to question him. "I'm in a band" Calum replies. "Oh, so not in school then?" "No sir" it was already going horribly. "What did you studies" "well mainly music but physics was my other strongest" Calum says. "I'm impressed" your dad says. "Thank you" he says back. "You make my daughter happy" you dad says now getting serious. "It's more she makes me happy sir" Calum said smiling and kissing your cheek.

Luke: you and Luke walked through the house and into the living room where your little brother was sitting playing Xbox. "Luke" he shouted running up to Luke and giving him a big hug. You and Luke had been out all day getting coffee and taking a walk. Luke picked your brother up into his arms. "Hey buddy what cha do in'" Luke asked. "Play grand theft auto wanna help me?" Your little brother said. "Dude you’re 7" Luke replied. 'Please I need you" your brother begged. "Fine but let me just go say hi to your mum" Luke says putting him down and following you into the kitchen. “so this is the famous Luke, it seems like I'm the last one out of the whole family that hasn't met you yet" you mum says hugging Luke. "You get on well with (Y/B/N), it’s very nice" your mum says. "He's a great kid" Luke replies. "He is, well any way Luke it’s nice finally meeting you and thank you for making this one happy" she said referring to you. "Thank you and your family for being so welcoming, she makes me very happy to" he said kissing your lips. "Ewwww" you hear from behind you, it was your brother. "Luke come on Stop kissing my sister" your bother says making the rest of you laugh.

Michael": you and Michael sat on the sofa cuddling as you parents walk through the door holding a load of shopping. "Hey" you say as their eyes widen as they notice Michael. "This is Michael" you say. "Nice to meet you. Would you like some help?" Michael asks. "What a gentleman that would be lovely" your mum says as Michael get up slipping his shoes on the jogging out to the car. "(Y/N) I like him already" your mum says.

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