Locks and Keys

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Newt felt Thomas tense in surprise, but whether it was from the question or from the nickname, or maybe even both, Newt didn't know. But he for one knew that he wanted that girl gone, Banished even. There was no way he was letting her take his Tommy away, but if she tried, would he really be able to stop her?

Vibrations against his chest pulled Newt back to Earth, where Thomas was saying something to the girl.

"...like a closed door that I locked by mistake, instead of some bank vault I never knew the combination to." Thomas sighed, and Newt suspected that he must have been referring his memory of the girl.

The girl then said something else, but Newt wasn't listening again. He was thinking about what Tommy had said about a locked door.

"What's your name?" he said abruptly, interrupting something the girl had been saying, but he didn't care.

"What?" She gave him a look that was half annoyed and half confused.

"What. Is. Your. Name." Newt glared at her, for what reason though, he had no idea.

"Why does that matter right now?" Now she was angry. She clearly hated him.

"Tommy said something about a locked door, right?" He raised his eyebrows expectantly, wanting them to acknowledge it.

"Why are you wasting our time with this? We should be planning how to get out of here!"

"Slim it, shuckface. I think I know where he's going with this, and if I'm right then you're gonna wanna shut your pretty little face and listen up," Minho said none too kindly to the girl, obviously just as fed up with her as he was.

"Minho!" Thomas exclaimed.

"You too, loverboy!"

Momentary panic flared in Newt at that. Was Minho referring to Thomas' relationship with him or with the girl? Could Theresa have been in love with Thomas in her old life? Was she in love with him now? Was Tommy in love with her before? Was he-

"You gonna tell us your brilliant idea or no, slinthead?!" Minho yelled, snapping him out of his daze.

"Oh, right. Well, a lock has gotta have a key, right?"

"Get on with it, Newt!" Now MInho was getting annoyed too.

"Sorry, sorry. So what if the key is your name? That would make sense, don't you think?"

"Theresa," the girl said simply, not wanting to admit Newt was right.

"Theresa..." Tommy said thoughtfully from Newt's arms, his eyes closed.

Everyone went quiet, not wanting to disturb whatever was going on in Thomas' head.

"Theresa," he said again.

"Theresa!" His eyes snapped open, and he smiled.

"Of course I remember you, T."

This is really short and kinda crappy, so sorry...I'm kinda having a hard time writing this story right now because I have some of the upcoming bits planned out and I want to make sure I stick with that plan, but ughhh I'm not good at that at all. 

In other news, it was my birthday a couple days ago! Thanks to Shuckiest_shuck for the lovely message/shoutout. Love you. So even though I've said it like fifty million times already in previous chapters follow her and read her amazing stories. 

Also go follow PyrySinister and read their stories cuz yeah they're good.

Ummmm...if anybody ever needs a buddy feel free to message me...I'm a pretty not busy person...I always have time for a new friend

Have a great night, noon, afternoon, twilight, dawn, midnight, etc.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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