New Girl in Town

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Newt and Minho swiveled their heads around to Thomas the moment they heard it.

"What?" Thomas shrugged, trying to keep from looking guilty in a way that made Newt somehow angry and jealous.

He ripped his hand none too gently from Thomas'. The boy's face fell slightly. "Oh, I don't buggin' know! Maybe we're wondering how that shuckface...that girl knows your bloody name, Tommy!"

"How do you expect me to know either? It's not like I remember anything."

Again with that attitude. It seemed to Newt almost as if he were trying to hide something, brushing the news and the questions off as quickly he was. He decided to try a calmer, slightly more prying approach.

"Are you sure you can't remember anything? Not even a single face or voice?"

Tommy squinted at him suspiciously. "Can you?"

"Well, no," Newt was taken aback. Thomas had never really dodged his questions like that before, unless one of them had been imminent danger. "But you're different, Tommy. We've known that from the start. You're the only one who's ever come out of that Box not klunkin' his bloody pants and crying for his mommy. There's gotta be somethin'."

"You know, just because I'm not a shucking baby doesn't mean that I know anything you don't!"

Newt was shocked to see Thomas becoming angry. Something was really up if he felt that strongly about it.

"Thomas, what is going on? You're hiding something! I can see it in your eyes!" As Newt said it, he realized it was true. Tommy's eyes were troubled and off in some far away place.

"I'm not...I'm not hiding anything." He sounded confused, as if unsure that he even knew what was going on in his head.

"What do mean?" Newt asked it gently, so as to not distract Thomas from whatever he was doing inside his own mind.

Tommy scrunched up his face, concentrating hard on some unseen force. "I-I don't really know...It-it's like-like something's in my head-something that wasn't there before."

Newt said nothing, not really sure what he should do. What on earth could Tommy mean?

"It feels like...a person, if that makes any sense. It's like there's another consciousness in my head-someone else's." Thomas put his head in his hands, looking almost as if he were in pain.

Hesistantly, Newt wrapped his arms around Tommy's middle and sat behind him, putting his head on his shoulder. "It's all right, Tommy. We'll figure it out."

"All righty then, if you two are done with your little lover's row, we have bigger problems to deal with," Minho said, speaking up for the first time in several minutes. He had been so quiet Newt had almost forgotten he was there.

"What do you mean?" Newt asked nervously, afraid Gally would be taking Tommy away.

"While you two were squabbling, I actually decided to be productive and listen to what they were saying out there."

"Which is?"

"The Newbie...the girl...they questioned her. She seems to know something. And she seems to know you." He pointed to Thomas, who had lifted his head up and was watching something with wide eyes.

Newt followed his gaze past Minho - Minho wasn't interesting enough to be stared at like that - to next cell over, where a striking girl was being shoved in.

Wait a second...why weren't the three of us separated into different cells? Newt's heart sunk as he realized it must mean that Gally had something planned-something bad.

Newt was snapped out of his daze when Minho let out a sharp whistle.

"Creators sent us a shucking princess!" he catcalled at the girl.

She turned her head gave Minho a glare that could kill with eyes like icy blue daggers.

"A warrior princess, perhaps?" Minho continued, not seeming intimidated at all.

"Call me princess again and I'll slit your throat," the girl said rather calmly, her clear voice laced with poison.

"Ooh, she's a feisty one," Minho jeered, clearly having fun with it.

"And you're going to be dead if you say one more word." Again she said it with a scary calm.

The Asian opened his mouth to say something else, likely a death threat for her, but Newt cut him off.

"Minho, seriously shut up," Newt warned, giving him a hard stare before giving the girl a good look himself.

She was tall and skinny, but that wasn't to say that she didn't have muscle. Her flawless skin was a pale, pale white, her lips blood red. Her long, wavy hair was pitch black and her eyes a pure, peircing blue.

Minho was right, with her beauty and intimidating sense of regality, the girl did look like a princess. In fact, if it weren't for her eyes, she would look like Snow White. Not that he would ever say that to her face, though, after seeing what she said to Minho.

Newt was fascinated by her; she hadn't struggled when they forced her into the cell, hadn't gotten angry at Minho when he catcalled, and her face shew no expression. But the moment he saw Tommy's face, all liking of her disappeared and a new emotion took its place.

Silence had fallen over the room, and Thomas was looking at her like she was heaven on earth. He had unconsciously let his mouth hang open, which, in any other situation, would be adorable. His eyes were wide and slightly glazed over - he was clearly thinking about her.

Newt glared at her, not expecting the girl to notice, as she had been staring right back at Thomas, his Tommy. Surprisingly enough, though, her eyes flickered over to him for a moment. And then she raised her eyebrows at him smugly, as if challenging him.

Immediately, he knew her intentions. She planned to take Tommy away from him. He squeezed his arms around Thomas tighter, trying to regain a sense of security. It almost worked. Until she spoke.

"Do you remember me, Tom?"

Heyyy! Sorry for not updating for so long...I made an Instagram so I've been busy with that. My account is shuckiest_shuck_ Yeah...I sorta stole your username Shuckiest_shuck. I hope you don't mind...I really like it. Anyways, thanks so much for 1.6k!!!! You people are awesome!!!! I love you sooo much!!!!

Have a great morning, noon, night, afternoon, midnight, twilight, sunrise, etc.

-Anna (red7717)

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