Almost Whispered Secrets

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"Well, look what we have here," a scratchy voice that Newt immediately recognized as Gally's sneered from behind Newt and Thomas as they walked together to the Homestead. "I thought I made it quite clear that you were to stay away from this shank here, Newt. Or do you need me to tell you again."

"I-I," Newt stuttered, squeezing Thomas' hand tighter and turning around to face Gally. How could he have forgotten about Gally? It had only been hours since their encounter, but somehow the traumatic experience had slipped his mind.

"Newt, what's he talking about?" Thomas looked at him, his eyes searching Newt's frantically.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Newt lowered his head to avoid Thomas' eyes and heard Gally snort at his comment.

"Oh, so your little Tommy hasn't heard yet?" Gally questioned cruelly. "I thought he would surely be the first one you brought your snivelling behind to after our little 'affair' in the Slammer this morning."
"What the shuck is he talking about?!" Thomas ripped his hand out of Newt's and in his anger used the Glader slang as if he had been for all his life.

Newt didn't reply, but he could feel tears forming in the corners of his eyes as Thomas turned on him in blind anger, entirely misunderstanding Gally's statement. He could feel the stares of both Thomas and Gally, and even those of some other Gladers that had gathered to watch the scene.

"Newt, what does he mean?" This time Thomas didn't seem angry at him, just upset. His eyes seemed to glisten with forming tears too. Did Newt really mean that much to him?

He glanced at Gally, who was standing slightly behind Thomas. The malice in his eyes made it clear that there would be consequences if he said a single word.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't. I'm sorry." Newt's voice trembled. He looked up at Thomas for a moment more before turning and running back out to the Deadheads. Footsteps behind him told him Thomas was following. He skidded to a stop at the edge of the trees- he would never be able to outrun Thomas with his limp - but he didn't turn around.

Thomas' hand, warm as ever, grabbed his from behind and forced him to face Thomas. Despite his current fear and slight anger, Newt couldn't help but shiver at the simple touch. What the shuck is wrong with you?! You can't let him have this kind of power over you! It doesn't matter how much you love him.

"Newt," Thomas whispered, using his free hand to trace Newt's jaw and pull it up gently to look at him. "What happened? You can tell me. I promise I won't be mad at you."
"I know, Tommy. But it's not you I'm worried about." His eyes darted to Tommy's for a second before returning to look at the ground.

"Newt, look at me." He paused, allowing a moment for Newt's eyes to flicker up to his own. "If Gally did something to you, if he hurt you...I swear to God I will murder that...that shank if he ever comes within ten feet of you again."

Newt laughed inwardly despite the grimness of the situation. Tommy still sounded so funny trying to use Glader words. It sure is bloody sexy though...and I could look at his eyes forever. Ughhh...shut up, you idiot. Focus!

"Newt, please. I'm worried about you." Thomas let go of his hand, but before he could miss its warmth, arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer.

Newt added his own arms into the hug, squeezing Tommy's middle. He took a deep breath and laid his head on the taller boy's shoulder. Then, in a breathy whisper, he said, "Yes."

"What do you mean?" Newt could feel the puzzled look on Thomas' face, despite not being able to see it.

"Yes, it was Gally."

Thomas tensed and pulled away from Newt, his eyes flaming. "What did he do?" he asked, his voice hard and full of anger.

Newt glanced over Thomas' shoulder at Gally, nervous. The boy was leaning towards one of his 'friends', whispering some kind of unknown instructions to him, but his eyes never left Thomas and Newt. Newt jerked his glance back to Thomas and gulped, trying to swallow his anxiety.

"He-he tried-he tried-he tried to r-THOMAS, LOOK OUT!" Thomas' face was overcome by puzzlement for the split second before Gally's recruit hit him over the head with a club-like stick, causing him to fall to the ground.

It was only a moment more before Newt himself felt a blinding pain shoot through his skull. The last thing he saw before it went dark was Thomas' slack face, his mouth hanging open on the hard ground. Shuck...even unconscious he's adorable. Shu... of my rare summer updates!!!! It's kinda short and kinda a filler but oh well... Hope you guys enjoyed it. I really appreciate you guys reading my story and all of your awesome comments! Love you all!

Have a great night, noon, afternoon, morning, dawn, dusk, midnight, etc.


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