Friends For Never

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"You sure you're okay, Minho?" Newt asked, worry plastering his face as he sat on the edge of Minho's hospital bed.

"Yeah, I'm sure," the Asian huffed exasperatedly, "How many times do I have to tell ya, you little shank?"

"Sorry," Newt mumbled, standing up to leave.

"Don't go, shuckface," Minho laughed, wincing slightly with pain, "I'm just saying don't ask me every two seconds how I'm doing."

Newt simply sat down and said nothing, but his thoughts were moving at a million miles an hour. Why does he want me to stay? It's not like I've been that great of a friend lately. Thomas was right. A real friend would have gone out into the Maze and helped them. Wait...what?! No! Thomas was never right. He was just doing what both Alby and Minho would have wanted. Isn't that what a true friend should do?

"Newt, are you okay?" Minho asked while attempting to prop himself up on his elbows and not succeeding. He consented to just lean up against the headboard.

"What?" he asked startled by the question, his face showing it with it eyes wide and eyebrows raised.

"I can tell something's wrong. You're my best friend, and I'm not stupid. You've been so distant lately, Newt. I just want to help you...or keep you from hurting anyone."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"I mean, when you get upset, and most times at yourself, you tend to hold grudges and blame the people around you. I can see that's what's going on right now," Minho admitted, his face melting into something resembling one of sorrow.

Newt said nothing. But he didn't leave either. He was curious a to where this was going, despite all the messages in his head that told him to leave.

"Who is it this time?"

Still, Newt said nothing. He was too ashamed. Minho was right. He did blame others. Because when he blamed himself, he would hurt himself. But is that really any worse than hurting others? At least I have permission to hurt myself.

"It's the Greenie, isn't it? Thomas."

Newt jerked his head up and looked straight at Minho. The Asian's generally warm eyes were now nothing but a black void as he looked at Newt. The blonde thought about protesting, but knew Minho would not believe him, so he remained silent, hoping that maybe the other boy would leave it at that.

But, alas, it was too good to be true.

"You're blaming him for Alby's death and my injury," Minho said matter-of-factly, causing Newt's heart to beat, afraid that Minho knew what had happened until the boy continued. "I don't know why. And I don't know what the poor shuck could have done to get you so mad." He paused, considering his words carefully. "But I do know that you need to let it go and give the boy a break."

"You can't tell me what to do, Minho," Newt snarled, suddenly furious. "Last time I checked, I was the leader around here."

"You're right. I'm sorry," Minho said in a very calm, un-Minho-like way. "But if this is the kind of person, the kind of leader, you're going to be, then you can forget this whole friend deal. In fact," he continued after seeing the stunned look of Newt's face, "You can just leave."

A hurt expression flashed over Newt's face, but it was quickly replaced by one full of anger. Why would Minho say that? I'm not being that bad, am I? But I can't care. I said I had to leave my friends behind when I put on this new skin.

"Fine. I will." He stood up stiffly, not even pausing to consider what it was that he was doing by doing so, and he walked to the door and turned to look back to Minho one last time before slamming the door shut.

Newt ran out of the Homestead and across the Glade, eventually turning into the Maze, not caring if he was breaking the rules. All the while he thought, not even believing what he had done. Wishing he could go back and change it. Knowing he couldn't.

He ran and ran, not once stopping to catch his breath. Not ever noticing that the sun had begun to sink below the Maze walls.

OMG! I wrote like three chapters in like two days! AHHH! Anyways, another sorta filler. Again, still important, but no Newtmas (sorry). But no worries, there's gonna be some in the next chapter. I promise. I should post within the next couple days, so yeah. Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

Have a good night, afternoon, evening, morning, day, etc.


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