To Push is to Love

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"When do I get to try out jobs?" Thomas asked hopefully, half-jogging in attempt to keep up with Newt's quick pace.

"Oh, you're not," the Brit replied coldly with a new idea brewing. "I've decided you'll be a Slopper."

"Wait." Thomas tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean, you decided?"

"I mean I bloody decided, you shucking idiot."

A look of hurt passed over Thomas' face, but it was gone as quickly as it came, but Newt wouldn't have cared either way.

"But today, you get a day in the Slammer." Newt stopped in front of the small cell and unlocked it, gesturing for Thomas to get inside. "One day without food, company, or water. Good that?"

"No. Not 'good that.'" Thomas became tense as he replied, obviously angry. "What did I even do to deserve punishment?"

"You would have broken our Number One rule if I hadn't stopped you," he answered, shoving Thomas into the cell. At one point he may have been electrified by the touch, but now he felt only the lust for revenge as he made contact with Thomas' cool skin.

"But I didn't. Because you stopped me." Thomas crossed his arms and attempted to stare Newt down.

"And that's why you're receiving only minimal punishment." The blonde grinned evilly and shut the door to the Slammer, making sure to lock each of the multiple padlocks before stepping back to admire his work.

"What changed, Newt?" Thomas asked gently, his eyes full of genuine concern that Newt didn't want.

He was taken aback, and he had to pause a moment before answering. "I don't know what you're talking about, shank."

"You know full well what I'm talking about, shank!" the imprisoned boy shouted, making sure to throw as much sarcasm into the bit of Glader slang as he could.

Newt nearly laughed at the boy's use of the Glader word before making one last comment. "I have no idea what you're talking about, and I'd really love to find out, but I need to go check on Minho now. Have a nice day, Greenie." Newt made sure to form each word with as much hate and scorn as he spoke them before turning on his heel and walking up to the Homestead.

In the distance, he could have sworn he heard Thomas say, "I just don't understand why you have to push everyone you care about away, and only after you let them know you care."

Ignoring this, Newt walked on, formulating more and more of his plan to make Thomas pay each step of the way. 

Okay, sorry for this crappy filler. There's gonna probably be a couple more of these posted in quick succession. I hope you don't mind, but I need them while I think a bit more about where I want this to go. And these are important to the story, so please read them anyways.

On a different note, have you seen the shucking Scorch Trials trailer!!!! It's marvelous, even if it does seem to stray from the book, and I cannot wait until it comes out! If ya haven't seen it or wanna watch it again, I put it at the top for your enjoyment.

Have a good day, evening, morning, afternoon, night, etc.


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