Chapter 32

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Shuhei awakens to mockery, steel wall, one clenched fist, bending the hull of the airship, being a steel driven hull. Showing results of the operation, he has gained more stronger.
"You're going straight to hell girly."
Mellaír, walks around, drunk as usual, throws a bottle at Shuhei's door.
"That'll be the day! When you metal heads will leave these dorms!" Lunging another bottle at the door.
Finally, Shuhei clenches his fist, bends the door, lunging his fist foreword, split seconds nearly hits Mellaír, who smashes the metal, with a single moderate punch, thus disintegrated.
"Good Morning, recovered from surgery, if that door were to have hit me, I would've sent you back to the operating table!"
"Back off, don't care if your a higher rank, or stronger, but, back off. The last thing I want is authority on my hands, Victor!"
Mellaír just made a fist, jolting to Shuhei's stitches, to open, yet, even brutally kill, the only 6 humans to survive these punches are: Oolong, Sotoba, Willerd, Azumi, Taijo, and Yosei.
Only for Azumi to intercept Mellaír's hand, with her blade.
"What the hell Shizumi!?"
"Crone." Azumi chants, and releases a flaming slash.
"W-W-What the bloody hell."
"He's fresh out of surgery, and his organs are his father's tech, yet you still dare hit him, disgusting." Says Azumi.
"He almost hit me with the door, and back sassed me."
"Because his drunk ass was throwing bottles at my door."
"Shut it, before I break your head!"
"If Jamil were to have slept in peace, he wouldn't have struck the metallic door. Now let him heal." Azumi says, walking Shuhei back to his dorm.
As Mellaír walks across the dorms, and he notices a conversation in Yosei's dorm, between Yosei, Taijo, and Yuki.
"If we are to sneak closely, then the mysterious Regimus will be able to slaughter Oolong." Says Yuki, echoing off the walls.
"Slaughter, Slaughter, slaughter.." That word echoed through Mellaír's head.
He only punched the metal door open.
"No way you're murdering the big boss."
"Murder? We meant-" says Yosei.
"I heard you, murder."
"Not murde-"
"I heard it with my own ears..murder..kill him, over my dead body."
"We all could take you and barely stand." Says Taijo
"Whatever, you aren't slaughtering Oolong as long as I'm alive."
"Would you say that about Amonell?"
"Never mind.."
"You ain't killing him, I'm gonna inform him."
Mellaír rushes to main deck to tell Oolong, only to have gotten struck by Shuhei's needle fist.
"He needs to be killed."
"Damn you..."
"Enough's enough, it's time we take offense to these terrorists, we need every single gang to attack each and every single Dark Regiment." Says Mamoru.
"There are three main territories, one on land, called the Dark Elite, lead is Hamilton Blue, strong willed, we need some of the groups that can pack a punch." Says Hyoku.
"Another division is at sea, called Dark Cargo, lead by Captain Rolond, he is a water curse, we need the excellent aquatic groups. And just as I suspected.."
"What's up Commander Hyoku.."
"Another division...just popped up on my screen...and we've been using their tech."
"S-Spades Inc."
_______SPADES INC_________
"So, Mr. Spade, when does Mr. Shizumi give us the start?"
Spadesman dials in Oolong.
"Oolong, when do we point the cannon?
"Just you wait Spadesman...just you wait.."

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