Chapter 19

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"The 10 patriots have gathered with me today, we have encountered a new threat called the Devil's Regiment, branched from II Tome Oscuro, this time, Lord Shmülz is in the position of Lord, now with Shizumi as Master. Who knew, Shmülz, a noble of Airnaïs, second highest nobility, I could've sworn...."
"Sir, you don't think..." Says Jërome, Iron Regimus.
"He wouldn't, he knows better." Says Azil, Astral Regimus
"Oh no he ain't." Says Keenan, Flame Regimus
"He couldn't." Says Arka, Ice Regimus
"Twas quite the decision." Says Irkain, Earth Regimus
"Hell, if he does." Says Rokin, Lightning Regimus
"I'm defecting." Says Grakin Water Regimus.
"Damned old man." Says Wailerd, Poison Regimus
"Who wants to go operate?" Says Reihawk, Wind Regimus
"Well then.." Says Flaiden, Psychic Regimus.
"Oh please, Patrick wouldn't dare pull the switch, he'd damn right have a decision." Says Silver Anton, a veteran from the war, Ghastly Regimus.
"I'm sorry men, Silver, but, I will have to release oblivion." Says Patrick Fritzai, veteran, and Energy Regimus, gaining energy from dissolving bodies.
Patrick raises power levels to maximum, high risen, mount, all settings high, with a beam, shooting to the skies.
"Where is he, someone would suggest he's dead by now?" Asks Amonell
With that said, Melina loses utter control, rapidly shooting Amonell back and forth.
Levin finally pinned her down. "Calm down Melina...don't listen to him."
"JUST A SUGGESTION!!!" Says Amonell "And drive her crazy? She's already under stress!" "Bastard!"
"Are they fighting again?" Asks Aria, only to see Melina crying on the floor.
"Honey!" Aria exclaims, hugging Melina.
Aria then stops the fight by using Qin Jai, an ancient technique used by the Kankei clan to calm one's nerves.
"You two should be ashamed, assuming Arty is dead!"
"It was all Krome here!" Says Levin.
"Damned Amonell, he's our leader, and you're his second in command."
"Guess I was a bit harsh.." Says Amonell.
3 hours passed, with the 4 stressfully waiting.
However, the door opens, showing Arty, heavily wounded, yet, in fact safe.
"He's back..." Says Melina.
"Finally." Says Aria
"He came." Says Levin
" You bastard, you had us worried." Says Amonell.
"I'm back." Says Arturo.

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