1 - Office

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"Ok pack! Today we start a new day of school in Fletchers grove" groans surrounded the room "I know you don't want to but we have to. You know the rules, no-one finds out about us, got it?" they nodded their heads and replied with 'yes Alpha's.

Yes I am the Alpha of my Pack, I'm 17 and my Pack is called The Moon Shard Pack. My name is Logan Hendricks, but that's Alpha Logan to wolves.

Me and the other 4 17 year olds in my pack: Ty- my beta, Xavier- my gamma, Jaz and Kira. Jaz and Kira are twins, Jaz has tanned skin, red hair and blue eyes, whereas Kira has tanned skin, red hair and green eyes.

We all made our way to our car. We took the jeep because we wanted to stay together. On our way there Jaz turned to me "what do we do if we imprint?" she asked, Kira nodded in agreement "yeah and what if their human?" I answered them immediately "if you imprint you be with them, if they're human, be-friend them and then work your way up the human way until you are in a relationship. Whenever you feel that you can trust them you bring them to the pack house and tell me"

They nodded in understanding as we pulled into school. It was a small school with probably 160-170 students overall.

"Well guys, welcome to hell" I said and they all groaned as we made our way to the office.


"ARI GET YOUR BUTT UP NOW!" My mum shouted from the stairs "I'M AWAKE CHILL OUT!" I shouted back jumping around my room trying to pull my converse on. After I was done I grabbed my bag and bolted down the stairs. "Here" I said in an annoyed tone as I made some cereal.

Mum grimaced when she saw me "what?" I asked confused, she sighed "Ari it's your first day, couldn't you have dressed up nicer?" I frowned and looked at my outfit. I was wearing a baggy black jumper, navy jeans with black and white converse. For make-up I had mascara and lipgloss. I put my finger to my chin as if in thought "No.. I couldn't dress nicer" I said smiling.

Mum glared at me before walking out muttering that I should've been a boy. It was low that she thought I couldn't hear it "not too late for a sex change!" I shouted after her laughing whilst devouring my cereal. She popped her head around the corner "how do you always hear me?" she asked agitated, I laughed "you're not as quiet as you think you are" she grunted then left.

My name is Ari DeMar and I just moved to America, Fletchers grove from England. I'm 16 years old and have just realised I have no friends in America.

I sighed as I washed my plate. Time to make new friends, I thought to myself.

After doing that I exited my house and began my walk to school. I was walking towards the traffic lights to cross over when this girl wasn't looking where she was going and walked into the middle of the road, texting on her phone with headphones on. I saw a car about to hit her. I raced into the road and grabbed her before jumping out of the way.

She stared at me in shock, her face paled when she realised what could of happened "ARE YOU STUPID!? DON'T EVER CROSS THE ROAD WITHOUT LOOKING AND WITH HEADPHONES ON! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" I shouted at her, she nodded her head in fear. I stood up and held a hand out for her which she shakily took.

"I'm sorry I exploded, I was just scared for you" I admitted sheepishly, she grinned then pulled me in for a hug. A very tight hug might I add "..air.." I choked out, she gasped then pulled back "Thank you so much! OMG we HAVE to be BEST FRIENDS! MY NAME'S AMANDA WHAT'S YOURS?" She asked squealing in excitement. I stared at her for a second before I shook my head smiling "my name's Ari" I replied "and I would love to be your friend" I said returning her crazy grin.

After that we continued our walk to school getting to know eachother better. She told me that she had lots of friends but no-one actually understood her. Which suprisingly, I did. When we walked into school she dragged me into the office. There was a group of about 6 people there and damn did they look like models.

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