Chapter II

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I had posted two chapters. Do please enjoy!



by: reader27® 


Chapter II


Mono. A mono, like everything I did everyday is the same. Rise up to bed, go to school, study, went home, do some house chores, sleep and then back to one again. That would probably some other people would think about me. I'm a boring person. 

I'm always shy in front of other people. I love spending time alone in my room with my guitar and other instruments and with my own music sheets. Uhuh, guess it right! I'm obsessed with music. One of my frustrations in life is to write songs for artists so that I'll be able to hear my own creation in radios. It was like the best friend that I never had. I don't know why, but I hate it when people swarm around me. It just that I feel they want something from me that's why they befriended me. I'm not saying it just based on my assumptions, it all really happened.

During elementary, there was this boy that always bullies me and then one day in an art class he approached me.

"Hey McFly." He sits down next to me and started playing with my art materials. "I'm just wondering can we stop hating each other and just be friends." That's what he said as I stare back at him dumb founded. A few minutes passed and he stared at my finished art project for the day while he had barely started his own. Suddenly he snatched my art work and run at the back just when our art teacher came in. I didn't do anything and just started making another one which made me spend another thirty minutes alone in the art room with my art teacher.

Then, high school came, I was a sophomore back then. My biology teacher announced that we'll be having a group project. After the bell rung, I head directly to the locker room. I wasn't shocked when someone pushed me off against the locker when I got there. But as I turn around to take a good look to my bully, I was really surprised to find slutty Amanda in front of me. Yep she is famous for being one.

"Zach." She said seductively batting her long fake eye lashes while I stare at her in confusion. "I was wondering if we can date since I'm free now and you just look so gorgeous with those eyeglasses of yours." She continued while grinding beads of sweats started to form in my forehead. I didn't even have a crush on her. But I'm guessing what her next line will be. "Have me listed on your group for the biology project and I'm all yours." See?

And then, my college life begins. I graduated high school as the valedictorian and so as I enter college, I got an academic scholarship which pays the whole tuition fee for the entire school year with one condition that at least every end of the semester I should have a grade of 1.5 in every subject I have which I didn't fail so far. I'm in my fourth year in college now and just have one school year left before I graduated on my course which is Computer Engineering.

And so as I was saying, having known as a scholar didn't help me and it boost my popularity during examinations which I find a pain in the ass. During examinations my class mates vacated the seat as close as they can get to me just so they can have a piece of my brain. I never minded though, I just hope they soon get tired. And that's the very reason why I avoided being friends with anyone in the school even though they would sometime drag me to their groups so that I can blend with them. But that's until I discovered this special place for a year now, a place where as far as I know nobody goes. It was the rooftop of the Arts and Music Department.

The place was just as serene as the calm ocean. It was peaceful there and the wind is just calming. There were potted plants all around and also trees. At the center of the rooftop, a big tree with vines hanging from top of it stands. It looks really old and sitting at its foot while reading was my favorite place. I sometimes brought myself my guitar and some of my music sheet in there too. No one bothers that's why even I sing with it on top of my lungs was ok. It's a secret though, my songs and me singing. I never got to show it to anyone. Only my family knew. I kinda inherited my passion in music to my dad since he is a musician when he was still alive. He was also the person responsible why I can play multiple instruments and write songs. He just watched me performed once during my elementary years. He passed away when I'm a freshman in high school. So much for the old times reminiscing which just brought tears to me, let's just go back to my story telling.

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