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The lamplight flickered softly in my room as a light draught swept in. My backpack sat packed and ready leaning against the doorway ready to go, I sat on my bed slowly pulling on my boots and lacing them up. I felt empty after the events of the previous day, I realised all I had cared for so far in life had gone and wouldnt come back. I got up slowly and strapped on my tactical vest, turning around on the spot taking in my room for perhaps the last time.

I sighed deeply and steeling myself walked to the door picked up my backpack and left the room. I walked along the passegeway almost at the start of my journey, but before i could actually embark on my journey i had to have SOME equipment or my mission will end before it has even started.

Even if all my family was dead i still had a friend in the confines of the quartermasters. As i walked through the doorway to the quartermasters My friend kumar looked up from a worn leatherbound ledger on a desk. He smiled at the sight of me and shook my hand warmly and said "Im so sorry jason about david".

I was grateful for the condolences as i could hear the sencerity in his voice, "Thanks kumar" I replied "Do you have the stuff i need?" Kumar nodded and turned to reach under the desk. "Right here jason" and he straightened up his arms filled with a jumble of items which he placed on the desk.

Kumar picked up a small compact snubnosed gun with a wooden stock and small horizontal Magazine, "A light sub-machinegun with a 20 round mag and wooden stock" He placed it in front of me and said "Its been made at the armoury here and jams like a bitch and overheats like hell!" Kumar paused "so try keep it in small bursts and be careful!".

He then Dug around the pile and withdrew a sleek black shining pistol along with a leather holster. "I just about managed to get this for you jason" said kumar as he pulled the pistol out of the holster "it's a pristine beretta m9 9mm pistol" he said pulling back the slide and checking the inside, "it's the jewel of the armoury" said kumar enviously "keep it safe! And think of it as a parting gift from me...".

I stared in disbelief at this beauty of a pistol, "kumar!.." I stammered "thanks!". Kumar looked carefully at me, "I've known you since you were small Jason, I want you to have the best chances out there" and kumar turned back to the pile on the desk.

After a second of rustling he withdrew a weathered looking rubber gas mask from the significantly diminished pile. "it's a standard homemade gasmask" and then seeing the skeptical/apprehensive look on my face kumar continued "it's a bit old and it's seen some action but it works and it's reliable and it's all I could get for you".

Next kumar pulled out a large torch, a headlamp and a sophisticated looking device with a sort of pumping mechanism on the side. "these are standard light sources for you to use, both of them attachable to the universal dynamo direct and battery charger" kumar indicated the device on the table "the UDDB charger can charge any battery you might come across and most handheld electrical devices can be charged directly from it" and kumar then slid them across the table to me.

he then lifted up a leather-bound journal with many detailed maps of the country and many of the major cities. He also handed me A tough looking zippo lighter and a long sharp menacing knife with a serrated back with a knuckleduster handle guard."and last but not least" said kumar jokingly "ammo!! Unless you would rather carry around paperweights instead of guns?" I managed a small smile as I filled as many magazines as I could fit in my vest pockets, holster and backpack.

Kumar watched thoughtfully obviously thinking about something, "you hiding anything else I could have?" I asked cheekily before kumar, evidently reaching his decision, replied "actually I am" before reaching under his desk and pulling out four spherical items and dropping them in front of me. "grenades!" he said "we only have a crate of these in our little station, so feel lucky I'm feeling so generous today".

I smiled widely as I hooked these grenades to my vest "ten second timers so make sure these are away from you after you pull the pin!!!" said kumar seriously before patting me on the back and saying "good luck out there mate" and turning his attention back to the ledger on his desk.

"thanks kumar"I said before leaving the quartermasters and heading towards the gate at the back of the station leading to the dark tunnels of the underground.

After my session with kumar I now felt more prepared than before at the prospec of venturing forth from my home. Although despite the equipment apprehension still gripped me from all the stories of horrors in the wastelands and the remains of some scouts and patrols brought in from the outside...

I walked slowly through the passages my mind trying in vain to delay my arrival at the gates. Many people around me nodded and smiled sadly at me as i passed, my father being a well respected and liked member of the station. I barely acknowledged them with nods of my own as I finally made it to the back gates.

The guards there were tense to say the least as I approached the metal barrier, with good reason too with the events at the front gate from yesterday.

They gave me terse nods and grunts as they raised their guns, many gun locks clicking in preparation for the opening of the gate.

During the movement that surrounded me I contemplated my journey ahead. The front gate was currently too dangerous to open therefore I would travel two stations underground (due to the next stations exit being caved-in) and exit there and then travel overground through the many streets and obstacles to the gerhkin.

'An odd place to be' I thought as I readied my submachinegun and the gates slid apart and I walked through to the other side, into the darkness.

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