Know Thy Enemy

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As Jenna pulled Celest up the stairs Isobel stood at the door looking at Elena.                                                                                                                                         “Jenna wait.” Celest said looking between Elana and Isobel.

“ Hello, Elena. It's nice to see you again.” Isobel said to Elana.

Jenna looked at Elena. “Again?” She asked shocked.

Elena looked on confused, not knowing what to say so keeping quiet.

“So you're the woman who's dating my husband. I need to speak to Elena. May I come in?” Isobel asked.                                                                                  “No way in hell bitch. Back off, get off her property before I make you.” Celest said as she started to shut the door.

“N-n-no. Don't... don't invite her in.” Elana begged.

“I need to talk to you, Elena.” Isobel said.                                                                   “I told you to piss off.” Celest said as her vampire face started to take over, hiding behind the closed door and barring her fangs at Isobel. 

“No! Get away!” Elana said as Celest slammed the door in Isobel’s face and looks at Jenna, who’s crying.

“ You knew she was still alive? Ric? John? Did they know?” Jenna asked.

“I can explain everything, Jenna.” Elana pleaded.                                                               “No.” Jenna said back to her.

“No. Jenna, please.” Elana begged as Jenna ran upstairs, Elena following after her.

“Jenna, please. Wait. Jenna, please wait.” Elana cried as Jenna’s goes into her bedroom and slams the door. Elena stood outside, at the door. “Jenna, you have to talk to me. I... I need to explain what's going on. Jenna, please.”

Elana and Celest could both hear Jenna crying in her room.                                 “Elana, please let me deal with Jenna.” Celest said. “Jenna, it’s Celest. Let me in please.” She said as she knocked on the door.                                            “Go away. Please.” Jenna sobbed.                                                                         “Ok. I’m going to go find out what everyone else knows about Isobel being in town. If Jenna comes out of her room, Call me. Immediately. Ok?” Celest said as she walked back down the stairs and out of the house. She walked over to her car in the dark before driving back over to the Boarding house.

“Isobel just showed up at their front doorstep.” Stefan said to Damon as Celest walked through the door. 

“What's she doing here?” Celest asked. “She just showed up saying she wanted to talk to Elana and Jenna just broke down. It was awful.”

“I don't know. That's what I'm gonna go find out.” Stefan said to Celest as Katherine walked back into the room.

“I don't think that you should tell her that I'm here.” Katherine said to everyone.

“What? And why would that be Katarina?” Celest asked.

“ It's better if she and John not know that I stayed in town after I got out of the tomb.” Katherine explained.

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