Reliving Memories

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An elderly couple decided to go to the place where they had their first date, for their 60th wedding anniversary.

"Do you remember that fence out back?" the husbands asked once they finished eating.

His wife replied, "Yes, Harold, that's where we first made love."

Harold, ever the joker and with the intention of winding his wife up, asked, "How about we go relive the old times, eh?"

Much to the husband's surprise, the wife agreed. He didn't want to let the oportunity pass and ushered her out the door.

A young waiter, who was serving nearby, followed them out because they hadn't settled their bill.

The old couple start rocking and bucking on the fence like they're 16 year olds. Watching with sadistic facination until they finally collapse off the fence, the young waiter asked in amazement, "How the hell did some old-timers like you get that much stamina?"

The old man, who is still dazed replied, "Well, lets put it this way kid, 60 years ago, the damn fence wasn't electrified!"

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