Bride and Groom

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Bride and Groom

As the groom walked down the aisle of the church to take his place at the altar, the best man could not help noticing that he was wearing a huge grin from ear to ear.

The best man said, "Hey, I know you're happy to be getting married, but you look absolutely thrilled."

The groom whispered, "That's because I've just had the best blow job of my entire life and I'm marrying the wonderful woman who gave it to me."

A few moments later, the bride came walking down the aisle; she too was wearing a big, radiant smile.

The maid of honour noticed this and said, "Of course you're pleased to be getting married, but I've never seen anyone look so happy and excited."

The bride whispered, "That's because I've just given the last blow job of my entire life!"

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