Chapter 10

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Laura's POV
Wow Scott isn't what I expected at all.... I thought he was going to be nice by he's just a low life person who's going to be alone for the rest of his life

Laura: do you have anything for me to do right now

Ellen: if you could please set the table

Laura: okay

[with the Lynches]

Ross' POV
We're all sitting in the living room playing Guitar Hero while mom and Aunt Ashley are getting dinner ready

Riker: alright Ross let's hear you sing something

Ross: no I'll just stick with playing guitar

Riker: come on man

Stormie: *distant* Dinner's ready

Ross: oops looks like I lucked out

Riker: not cool man

Ross: so cool man

[Later that night]

Ashley: so what time do you have to leave tomorrow

Stormie: well we're going over to an old friends house cause you know we moved back to New York

Ashley: oh are you talking about the Marano's

Ross: yeah

Ashley: how many years have you not seen them

Ross: 8 years

Ashley: wow

Boston: mom can we do presents please

Ashley: no we'll do them fast in the morning so your cousins can get home

Stormie: sounds perfect

[with the Marano's]

Laura's POV
Me and Nessa were sitting in my room doing nothing when we heard a glass break. We looked at each other then walked out into the hallway to hear yelling and screaming



Laura: *closes her eyes* WHATS GOING ON!!!!

Ellen: we'll talk to you both later just go to bed

Laura: I don't want to be in this house if your screaming and fighting

Vanessa: neither do I

Laura: can I call Stormie and ask if we can go stay in her house tonight

Ellen: fine

I get out my phone and dial Stormie's number:
Stormie: Hey Laura what's up sweetie
Laura: My parents are fighting and I don't yelling so can me and Nessa stay in your house tonight
Stormie: sure sweetie there is a key under the 'welcome' mat
Laura: thanks Stormie see you tomorrow
Stormie: no problem Laura
I end the call and put my phone back down

Laura: She said that we could go over

Vanessa: alright let's go

[with the Lynches]

Riker: hey was that Laura on the phone??

Stormie: yeah

Rydel: what's up

Stormie: her parents are fighting

Ross: and she doesn't like yelling I remember her telling me that when we were younger

Stormie: yeah so Her and Vanessa are staying in our house tonight so they don't have to hear that

Rydel: that was nice

Ross: can I have my phone back now Riker

Riker: yeah fine *gives him his phone back*

Ross: thanks

Ross' POV
I went into Me and Ryland's guest room and started texting Laura
Rossome😜: Hey Laur
Laurie😊: Hey
Rossome😜: I heard what happened are you okay
Laurie😊: yeah I just didn't want to hear any of their fighting so I asked your mom if we could go to your house for the night
Rossome😜: yeah she told us... You can stay in my room if you want
Laurie😊: actually Nessa and I were going to sleep in your movie room that you have
Rossome😜: that is also a very wise choice
Laurie😊: well I figured
Rossome😜: well I'll see you tomorrow and my mom wanted me to tell you that you could stay at our house until you fell like you can go home
Laurie😊: okay tell her thank you and I'll see you tomorrow too
Rossome😜: okay... bye
Laurie😊: bye

[with Laura and Vanessa]

Laura: Hey Nessa lets go before the house starts on fire

Vanessa: everything's going to be fine alright

Laura: okay

Vanessa: now let's go before your head explodes

Laura: *nods her head*

Vanessa's POV
I carried a bag full of Laura and I's Clothes for tomorrow in it while I see Laura plugging her ears and running out of the house as fast as she can. I follow her and we quickly walk to the Lynches finding the key and getting into the house

Vanessa: So where are we going to sleep

Laura: Ummmmm I was going to sleep in the movie room

Vanessa: alright why don't we both do that

Laura: awesome

I saw Laura looking around and I know that she was in pain because our parents have never fought like this before

Vanessa: Laur everything will be fine okay.... let's just get a good night sleep

Laura: okay and thanks

Vanessa: no problem everyone needs sisterly help sometimes

Laura: *laughs* yeah and you give the best

Vanessa: thanks

We both headed down to the movie room got set up and fell asleep right away waiting for the next morning to come.

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