Chapter 50

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Laura's POV
Today has been a great last day together but I still can't shake the fact that I have to break-up with Ross tomorrow cause of my stupid mom


Me and Ross walk down hand in hand to see Nessa and Delly standing in front of us

Laura: hey guys so what's this about

Rydel: well Me and Ness have something for you two that we think will hopefully make this whole day better than it is now

Ross: well what is it

Vanessa: here

They hand is the same exact shaped wrapped gift. We sit down on the stairs and open them together. It's the back of a picture frame.. I turned it around to see a picture of me and Ross kissing... That's the day that I got my hair done. On the left side of the picture frame it says "R & L" then on the right side it says "Forever"....... I freaking love it

Laura: you guys this is so sweet

Ross: yeah seriously but... why???

Vanessa: well we don't know how long Me and Laur are going to be gone so we thought that it would be nice for you two to have something to keep you close to each other even though you'll be like 1000 miles apart

Ross: you guys thanks... So much

Laura: yeah seriously this is the best ever

Rydel: no problem

Me and Ross stood up then hugged them. I put the picture frame in my bag by the door and we went back up into Ross' room. Ross put the picture frame on his night stand and we lied down together enjoying the last time we could ever be together for who knows how long

March 3, 2012

Today is the worst day of my life... Worst day, not only am I leaving my boyfriend my fucking mother is forcing me to break-up with him right before I step on the plane... that cold hearted bitch... I wanna smack her for taking me and Nessa away from our dad and our boyfriend that we both love very much

Ellen: *distant* LAURA ARE YOU ALL PACKED??

Laura: YEAH *quiet* my cold hearted bitchy mother

Vanessa: *walks into the room* hey... how are you doing??

Laura: oh just fantastic... yeah my boyfriend is coming to say goodbye to me and out cold ass mother is forcing me to break-up with him even through I freaking love him with all of my life

Vanessa: I know Laur... we'll get through this together it's not going to be forever okay I promise

Laura: okay I know... I just don't want to break his heart even though it's by force

Vanessa: I know we'll get through it

Laura: *sighs* okay


Vanessa and Laura: C-COMING

Laura: let's go face that facts that were leaving our forever home

Vanessa: we'll get through this together Laur

Laura: let's do this

[@ the airport]

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