Chapter 43

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February 14, 2012

Laura's POV
It's been a week since all of this dramatic stuff has happened meaning everything is going perfect. Today's Valentines Day 💙💚💛💜💗💖💘💝💟💓💞💕💌❤️. I love Valentine's Day but the fact that it's on a school day sucks. I get up and shower then throw on some clothes.... Valentines Day themed of course.... and ran down the stairs grabbing my bag: Nessa has been dating this Carter guy that showed up a week ago when all of the drama was happening and he's not that bad a guy. She doesn't have to go into school today so I'm driving myself and Ross to school.... and Rocky and Ryland. I hop in the car and drive over to the Lynches. I honk the hor and surprisingly Rydel walks out and over to my side of the car. I roll down the window and she starts talking

Rydel: hey so Ross isn't going to be going to school today

Laura: awe why not

Rydel: he got sick last night and now he's laying in bed with a fever.... He would have come out and told you but you know.

Laura: awe I hope he feels better... Are Rocky and Ryland ready??

Rydel: yeah... I'll see you round oh and Ross says to text him when you can

Laura: alright tell him I will right when I get to school

Rydel: awesome... see ya later

She walks back inside as Rocky and Ryland walk out and get into my car

Rocky: sorry you couldn't spend today with Ross

Laura: it's fine... I'm going to come and see him after school

Ryland: that's smart

We get to the school and start walking in together

Laura: alright I'll meet you right by my car when schools over

Rocky: okay let's go Ryland

They run off into the school as I walk in right behind them. I walk over to our regular table to see Rocky pulling a box of chocolates out of his backpack handing them to Lilly

Laura: hey Lil

Lilly: hey Laur... where's Ross??

Laura: he's sick today so he won't be here

Lilly: awe I'm sorry

Rocky: hey I'll see you later Lil *pecks her lips* bye

Lilly: bye

Laura: can I have a chocolate please

Lilly: yeah here

Laura: *grabs a chocolate* thanks

Lilly: are you going to see Ross after school

Laura: yeah and speaking of him I have to text him

I pull out my phone and go into Ross' messages:
Laurie😘💖: hey Rossy I hope you feel better
Rossy😍💛: thanks Laurie that means a lot... I heard that your coming to see me
Laurie😘💖: yeah
Rossy😍💛: well then I better get my ass up and get you flowers and chocolates
Laurie😘💖: no please stay in bed I want you to get better
Rossy😍💛: alright Laurie I will
Laurie😘💖: I have to get to class so I'll see you later
Rossy😍💛: okay... Bye love you
Laurie😘💖: love you too bye
I put my phone down and looked back up to see Sean sitting next to Lilly now

Laura: oh hey Sean

Sean: hey Laur Happy Valentine's Day

He hands me a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. I look to see a note on the flowers. I pick it up and read:
Happy Valentines Day baby, sorry I couldn't come and spend it with you... even though it would have been at school, I still wish I could have been there. I love you Laurie.
Love, Ross 😘❤️😍

Sean: he wanted to give you something so he asked me to bring it to you

Laura: awe he's so sweet

Sean: yeah well that boy will do anything... Literally anything even when he's sick

[in Music]

I was on my way to Music and when I got there the teacher was standing waiting for everyone to get in here.... Ring Ring....

Mrs. Grey: alright since today is Valentine's Day and I'm feeling nice you will have a free period but if you would like to leave... report to me first

Class: yes

I could go and get something for Ross and Lilly could come with me

Laura: Lilly do you wanna come with me and get something for Ross with me??

Lilly: hell yeah I don't wanna spend like an hour in this place

Laura: alright let's go

I tell Mrs. Grey that we're leaving and we get into my car but before we go I quickly text Ross:
Laurie😘💖: thanks for the flowers and chocolate Rossy I love you 😘
I started the car and start driving off into town. Lilly was talking about something I don't know what when headlights flash in front of me and everything goes black.

Ross' POV
I've been sitting in my room all day and I need to get up... I'm also hungry so I have a point. I see I have a message on my phone from Laura:
Laurie😘💖: thanks for the flowers and chocolate Rossy I love you 😘
Awe... I walk down into the kitchen and see Riker watching something on TV

Ross: hey what are you watching??

Riker: the news their talking about some people just getting into a car crash something about a drunk driver hitting two teenage girls in a car

Ross: oh... Have they identified the girls yet

Riker: no but it did say it hit right in the front of the car so both of the girls are possibly severely hurt

I look at the TV to see a similar looking car... It looks just like Laura's

News Anchor: we have just been confirmed that the two girls hit by the 30 year old drunk driver are 16 year old Lillian McRyan and Laura Marano

Ross: WHAT?!?!


Ross: I'll call Nessa and ask her to call Lilly's parents

Riker: I'll text Sean

I open up my phone and quickly dial Nessa's number even though my whole body is shaking
Vanessa: hello?? Ross??
Ross: have you not turned the tv on today.... Laura just got into a car crash

To Be Continued
Hey everyone just to let you all know I am ending this book at 50 chapters but there will be a sequel.... Big drama coming up soon

Live For the Moment (Raura)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora