Chapter 36 |Ruby|

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| Chapter 36 |

| Ruby |

At this point, the six of us--along with Auguste--were so overjoyed that we couldn't hide our excitement. Just as Lakota gasped and smiled, I hopped up out of my seat and hugged Garrett. After a moment, we separated awkwardly and I instead turned around and squeezed the closest person to me, which happened to be Riley. We whooped and cheered as he picked me up off the ground, laughing.

"Quiet, please," Auguste called over the ruckus. It all died down soon. "Parents, guardians, you may all go home now. Thank you." I looked over as everyone dispersed, and zeroed in on Lakota embracing her two little brothers. I smiled, seeing how happy she was with her real family, but I could feel my heart sink a little. Jasmine would be happy for me, I thought.

All of the parents were hugging their children in goodbye. I turned back over to Garrett and we shook hands.

"I guess I'll see you around, Ruby," he said.

"Were you really the only family member they could find?" I asked hopefully. He nodded.

"Yeah," he answered solemnly. "I'm sorry. I know it sucks." I nodded slowly. "But I have to go now. Goodbye, Ruby." I waved as he walked out of the office room. Soon, everybody was gone.

"So, where are we going?" Kathleen asked Auguste as we walked through the hall of the Institute.

"Back to Paris. It's where I lived before Lakota's uncle asked for my help," he answered.

"Cool! Hey, what happened to your accent?" Riley wondered.

"Oh, I'm not from France. The accent was to hide my identity."

"But your name is French!" I exclaimed.

"I am inherently French. I just don't live there." We nodded and walked through the two giant double doors that we'd escaped through before, except now, we didn't have to escape. We really were free. Without exceptions.


Auguste drove us to the closest airport, which was about thirty minutes away. We loaded ourselves onto the airplane and settled in. I sat in the window seat, next to Levi, staring out at the clouds passing by. He took my hand and I turned to look at him.

"We're home free," Levi said quietly and I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, we are," I said, dazed. I felt him move and plant a soft kiss on my forehead. I soon fell asleep, drifting along in my quiet bliss.


"Guys, we're here!" I heard and opened my eyes sleepily. Kathleen was bouncing up and down in her seat. I looked out the window to see the pointed edge of the Eiffel Tower through the clouds.

"Why are you freaking out?" Darren asked. "We've been here before."

"But now we're not running from anything!"

Darren smiled and nodded in agreement. I braced myself as the plane started to land on the ground.

As the passengers filed out of the plane slowly, Kathleen could barely keep herself contained. I could tell.

We stepped out onto the hard pavement and I breathed in the now familiar smell of bread and people. The seven of us made our way into the city and back to the quaint little cafe where we'd first eaten. It seemed like so long ago now. We'd aged so much.

Lisette was waiting at the door when we came. She immediately bounded up and hugged Riley tightly.

"Zank god you're all okay!" She sputtered, tears starting to stream down her face. Riley wrapped his arms around her and my smile only grew. We were finally free. We were finally together. We were finally okay.

We were finally home.

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