Chapter 17 |Lakota|

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| Chapter 17 |

| Lakota |

The hospital was quiet now as me, Ruby, Levi, and Kathleen sat out in the white painted hallways.

"Dont worry about it Ruby," Kathleen was saying in a quiet voice, holding Rubys hand tightly.

"Riley didn't mean it, well, maybe he did, but I'm sure he knew that you were trying to help him. He's just been through a lot."

Ruby nodded, her face expressionless.

Levi reached out, wrapping one arm around Ruby's shoulders, hugging her tight.

"Kathleen's right, Ruby, don't let it bother you."

I looked at Ruby as she nodded. I could see that she was more upset about it then she was letting on.

"I have an idea," I said hesitantly, praying this would put everyone in a better mood.

"How about we go down to the hospital cafe and get Riley something to eat? I'm sure that will make him feel better."

"Good idea!" Kathleen's said, bouncing in her seat, "He always gets grumpy when he's hungry!"

"I'll go ask him what he wants," I said, and turned into Riley's room.

No sooner had I quietly closed the door, the hushed sound of angry voices reached me from behind the curtain around Riley's bed.

"What do you mean it's hard to explain?" Darren was saying, his voice tight with agitation.

"You've been acting weird for days and you don't think that I deserve an explanation?"

"Darren, please stop, I can't--"

"Can't what?" Darren interrupted. "Can't be honest with me? Riley, I'm your brother, I know something's up. You tell me everything, don't you think I have the right to be angry?"

"You might have a right, but being angry sure doesn't make me want to tell you anything."

There was a moment of silence, and I stood behind the curtain, frozen, not sure what to do.

"Fine," Darren said, his calm tone barely masking aggravation.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you, you know?"

I heard Riley sigh, "I know."

"So whats up? You know I'll try to understand."

There was another moment of silence that filled my ears with the pounding of my heart.

"It's her, Darren," Riley said, and a chill went up my spine.

"Her?" Darren asked, confusion in every syllable of his voice. "Who's her?"

"Ruby!" Riley said and his voice was so filled with pain that a lump rose in my throat.

"Ruby?" Daren said incredulously. "What are you talking about, Riley? You're not still thinking about what just happened, are you? Because she was just trying to help you--"

"It's not that," Riley said, his voice rough.

"It's . . . it's . . .."

"What?" Darren asked impatiently "What is it?"

"It's Ruby, Darren," Riley said, he sounded completely and utterly defeated.

"I . . I like her."

"Well if course you like her," Darren butted in. "Who doesn't like Ruby?"

"No, Darren," Riley said, his voice grave. I knew what he was going to say before the words even left his mouth. "I more then like her, I think . . . I think I love her."

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