Chapter 9 |Lakota|

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| Chapter 9 |

| Lakota |

I ran out of the casino. Past the flashing gambling tables, past the bouncer and out into the parking lot. My heart lodged in my throat with fear.

"Wait!" Riley cried, "We need to help them!" But I wasn't going to stop--I couldn't stop. The feeling that I knew all too well was sweeping over me, crushing my lungs and fueling me with pure terror. I couldn't let those men get me. I was too scared. I ran on, nearly tripping in my slightly baggy blue dress.

Someone grabbed my arm. I cried out, turning and lashing out, sure that the men had caught up to us. But it was only Darren. Calm, silent Darren, with his blondish hair askew. Relief suddenly washed over me. And it shocked me. No one had made me feel this relaxed, this calm. Not since--

"Lakota we have to go back!" Darren cried, turning as we both watched Riley dash into the Casino.

Tears began to roll down my cheeks. "I can't," I gasped, praying that Darren would understand, praying that he knew I did care, praying that he knew I couldn't go back. My fear would take hold of me, and this time it might not let me go.

Darren's expression didn't change. "Get the car," he said icily and tossed me the keys before running back towards the casino.

I stared at him as he left, frozen. And then all at once I sprang into action, dashing for the silver convertible, not thinking twice as i flung the car door open, revving the engine to life. I stepped on the gas. The convertible squealed across the pavement as I swung the car towards the casino, Kathleen screaming in the back as I screeched to a stop. Just in time to see Riley running out of the casino. The unconscious, scarlet clad figure of Ruby was in his arms.

My heart tightened in my chest at the sight of Ruby. At the sight of my hurt friend. I realized with a shock that hit me like a punch in the stomach. My friend.

"Open the door!" Riley yelled as he barrelled toward the convertible.

Kathleen flung the door open and Riley dove in, Ruby's red hair whipping me across the face as they went.

Suddenly Levi was there, speeding towards the car, Darren in his wake. I knew right away something was wrong. Levi's face was as pale as a ghost, and his lip streamed scarlet blood the same shade as Ruby's dress.

Then from behind them came the two thugs that had found them, their faces twisted into scowls of frustration.

"Kathleen!" Riley shouted, and Kathleen flung the door open just as Levi threw himself in. Darren rolled across the hood of the convertible, before hurling the passenger door open and throwing himself inside the car.

"GO!" He hollered. I didn't waste a moment. I floored the gas, and the convertible shot forward, speeding down the brightly lit Vegas streets.


I didn't stop speeding until we were halfway to the Arizona state line. My heart still pounding in my chest, my hands couldn't stop shaking.

We were all a mess; Darren's face was stony, Ruby was still unconscious in the back, and riley 's usual grin was gone. But the worst was Levi. Through the rearview mirror I could see him, his face white, body shivering, eyes glassy. His hands rubbed his arms up and down like he was afraid he had lost them, and red blood dripping onto his pants.

"Levi," Darren said suddenly, his voice sharp. Levi said nothing.

"LEVI!" He shouted, fear oozing in his tone. Fear was beginning to take a hold of me now. What was wrong with him? This wasn't the Levi I knew.

"Levi what's wrong?" Kathleen asked, her voice heartbreakingly small.

Still, the boy was silent. From in the mirror I could see the darkness of his eyes, so dark. It scared me almost as much as the men at the casino.

"Levi, it's over," Darren said, the calm in his voice was like icy steel. "You're fine, you're going to be okay. No one is hurt, no one is dead. We're fine."

Levi let out a raspy breath, and I saw a single tear slip down his straight nose.

My heart felt as heavy as lead in that moment, weighed down by sadness.

What had happened to the confident group that I had travelled with for so long; the people who had made me laugh, had made me feel safe. Those people were gone, replaced with sad, defeated versions of themselves.

Our plan had worked, but at what cost?

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