Chapter 34 |Ruby|

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| Chapter 34 |

| Ruby |

We were brought into one of the offices; the six of us sat in the wooden chairs awkwardly, waiting for the doctors.

"The gang that kidnapped you was arrested before you were taken back here," the man explained. Lakota had said that he was her father.

"That's good," Levi replied, and I grew anxious. My boldness from my outburst earlier had all but vanished, leaving me unconfident.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a group of people came in. Leading them was the steely-grey haired woman, and I only recognized the face of my brother-in-law. Well, I guess not anymore, since the accident, but he was married to my sister. Must've been the only family they could track down.

There were a few other people; a snobby-looking woman with her brown hair tied in a tight bun, an old woman in a wheelchair, and a normal-looking, middle aged woman.

Then, Kathleen shot out of her seat and flew at the snobby woman, hugging her.

"Mom!" She exclaimed. Probably noticing the reunion, the old woman wheeled over and pulled the twins into a tight grandma hug. The middle aged lady was approached by Levi. I awkwardly stood up and walked to my brother-in-law, Garrett. We shared a glance and quickly looked away.

"Ruby," he addressed. We'd been very formal to each other since the accident, only meeting on the anniversary of their death. Even then we barely talked to each other.

After everything settled down, the grey haired woman and Lakota's dad stood in front of the room.

"I have been informed that these children have overcome all of their phobias," she said to the adults. "And are no longer in need of our guidance and care." Garrett and who I guessed was Kathleen's mom snorted in absurdity.

"It's true!" I told him. "We really have overcome all of our fears!"

"The girl lies," Lakota's dad butt in. "These children are too unstable to live freely in the outside world. They must stay here for good." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"We really are fine," Kathleen assured. "We lived in Paris for a few days and nothing bad happened! Well except for the whole gang thing. We're perfectly capable of surviving."

"They almost died!"He interjected.

"Not because of our fears!" Levi stated. "Our fears don't hurt us anymore," he said, looking over at me and I blushed slightly.

Suddenly, everybody in the room started talking all at once, discussing whether or not we were telling the truth.

I jumped as the door burst open, revealing a certain dark-haired French boy that we knew. Eleven jaws simultaneously dropped, silencing everybody.

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